Plan For A Brighter Dental Vision

Glasses Livonia MIIf you have nagging issues with the appearance of your smile, it can affect your daily life. Your mouth is one of the first things that people see when they meet you. If your new acquaintances associate you with poor oral hygiene, it could affect how they view you. Dental breaks and bacterial buildup happen even with positive health habits. Regular visits with your trained oral health professional are therefore important for your lasting success.

Speak with Dr. James Stewart, DDS in Livonia, MI about how the right dental approach can help you to feel better and look great at the same time. We understand that your schedule may be hectic. We can help to determine a timeline for your cosmetic dentistry that works for you. Porcelain veneers could help cover up your past enamel damage and give you a neater appearance. For smaller instances of dental trauma, bonding can help you to have elegant looking teeth after damage. Tidy up your smile with cosmetic enamel enhancement! (more…)

Choosing Your Tooth Replacement Solution

Smiling Woman Livonia MIThe loss of a natural tooth can feel like defeat without the help of a quality prosthodontic solution. It is important to have a plan if you are in need of an extraction or have recently had one or more of your teeth removed. There are available solutions to your oral health issue, so make the effort in finding the right option for your individual mouth.

A trusted method of prosthdontic repair includes the placement of a dental crown. This is a hanging prosthetic solution that rests between crowns on the healthy abutment teeth on either side of your gap. Partial dentures can also help in instances of multiple sites of loss to give you back a smile in which you can feel pride. Dental implants are a technologically advanced method of prosthodontic repair that can help you to retain your jaw bone after an instance of tooth loss. Speak with Dr. James Stewart, DDS in Livonia, MI about your possibilities. A beautiful and functional smile repair solution is just around the corner! (more…)

Your Examination Can Be A Consultation

Shades Livonia MIYour routinely scheduled checkup at the dental office provides many benefits. Perhaps you only think of your visit as a way of looking at the development of your smile. While the visual examination is a crucial part of this meeting, there are a host of ways that your checkup serves to benefit your smile year-round. Consistent visits means more information for your dentist when they determine your best course for care. When you catch a diagnosis early, you have greater power and flexibility in how you treat your condition.

Schedule an appointment with Dr. James Stewart, DDS in Livonia, MI for an appointment every six months at least. Your smile may also require special care that includes more frequent visits. If it has been longer than this, do not put it off any longer. Buildup of plaque and tartar can be contributing to your problem tooth decay without your knowledge. Stop bacterial development by scheduling a visit for a cleaning and examination today. While you are here, bring up any additional nagging dental concerns that you may have with your smile!


Sleep Treatment Without Surgery!

Selena Livonia MIDisordered sleep is a highly prevalent problem in the United States. You may be surprised to learn that two of the most common of these focus on the structures of the mouth and throat. The first of these is called bruxism, which is the persistent grinding and wear of teeth.

When this happens during the day, you might be able to catch yourself and stop the action. Perhaps you like to chew gum or eat sunflower seeds to reroute this habit. However, you could be causing serious lasting damage to your smile overnight. Bruxism can directly lead to the misalignment of your smile, which may require a separate procedure to remedy. Our enamel can also become severely worn from the repeated trama from overnight grinding.

Sleep apnea is another serious concern related to your overnight oral health. This condition is the inability to properly receive oxygen during sleep due to an obstructed airway. Often, custom night guards from our Livonia, MI dental office can help you to prevent the concerns that come alongside these sleep disorders. Avoid bulky machines and surgery through a slight reposition of the jaw! (more…)

Touch Up Your Enamel For A Tidy Smile

Shine Livonia MIThere are constant daily risks to the smile. Simply due to its location on the face, physical trauma is likely to occur here and the structures within can be delicate and suffer long-term damage. Chewing itself can be a possible hazard, as an errant seed or piece of bone can lead to a chip or a small break to the enamel.

While this material is durable, it does not regrow. One common way to repair minor enamel damage is through the use of dental bonding. This process utilizes a strong resin to restore your teeth to an even and natural-looking appearance.

Others struggle with the overgrowth of this tissue. Contouring is a tested method of reshaping the tooth to ensure that your smile looks clean and gorgeous. This process can also help you to keep your smile healthy, as tricky locations between the teeth can build up dangerous bacteria. Our Livonia, MI office can help you tidy up enamel concerns of all varieties! (more…)

Find A Lasting Restoration Solution

Sweater Livonia MIStructural concerns involving the teeth can become worrisome for your smile’s future. Whether in need of a reinforcement of your existing enamel or a replacement procedure, the durability of any solution is crucial to its success. This involves multiple aspects of production, including materials and technique. Our increasing technological abilities are also making lasting improvement an attainable possibility for more mouths each day!

Creating a solution for your broken or missing tooth that can withstand daily rigor is one of the highest priorities for our Livonia, MI dental practice. We can work to turn your worrisome tooth into one of your smile’s strengths! (more…)

The Strength Of Implant Technology

Beard Livonia MINobody looks forward to the idea of losing a tooth. For starters, it is a vital piece of your ability to chew and speak. And your smile is one of the first things people see during a first impression, so the idea of having a gap is scary. But one of the most important medical innovations of the last century is becoming more and more accessible, and that is the dental implant.

This technology uses threaded titanium posts to restore your smile. Through a process known as osseointegration, our bodies can accept this special metal instead of casting it off as a foreign object. When this location heals, the post can support a dental prosthetic that is strong enough to chew. Not only is it functional, but these replacements are gorgeous additions to your smile. Today, your Livonia, MI dentist explains how a dental implant surgery procedure can help you restore the vigor of your smile! (more…)

Give Yourself The Gift Of Oral Health

Xmas Livonia MIThis time of year, we are understandably focused on the things we need to do for others. But sometimes, this burden can prevent us from taking the necessary steps to keep us at our best. Our friends and our family rely on us to be the best we possibly can be. Having the best smile possible can be a great way to surprise your loved ones during the holidays!

While the time is getting near, there are things you can do to ensure you look and feel your best. Speak with your trained oral health care provider about the possibilities in bringing your smile to a new level. From an effortless whitening refresher to repair of normal wear and tear, don’t let your dental concerns wait until the new year. Today, your Livonia, MI dentist shows you some of the quicker ways we can improve your smile before you see your friends and family for the holidays! (more…)

Sensitivity In The Cold? You’re Not Alone

Pain Livonia MIMany patients report that they see a wave of dental discomfort when the weather begins to finally turn cold. Here in Michigan, we certainly know how it can seem to hit you right down to your bones. If you are beginning to notice some sensitivity in your smile when you breathe in cold air, it might be the sign of something more sinister.

There are many different ways that your teeth become more sensitive over time. The most common instance of this is through the weakening of your enamel, or the hard exterior surface. This matter gives your tooth its functionality and also its protection. In healthy mouths, this creates a barrier between the outside world and the vulnerable structures that are working beneath. Today, your Livonia, Mi dentist outlines some of the more common causes of dental sensitivity and what we may be able to do to help! (more…)

Improve Your Health With Gum Restoration

Gums Livonia MIPeriodontal disease, or the infection and inflammation of the gum tissue, is an incredibly common occurrence in The United States. Approximately 42% of American adults over the age of thirty suffer from this condition, and that number is growing through barriers to access to care, coupled with increases in our ability to diganose. It has always been a struggle to convince people to take their health seriously, and if people view an issue as a cosmetic one, they are less likely to seek treatment.

But the development of periodontal disease can have devastating effects on the future of your oral health. This form of tissue creates a strong barrier between the bacterial battlefield of the mouth, and when an infection takes hold, it can lead to this material pulling back from its natural location on your teeth. Today, your Livonia, MI dentist writes on how restoring your gumline might not only give you back the beautiful smile you once had, but can strengthen your immune system and keep your oral health strong! (more…)