If you have nagging issues with the appearance of your smile, it can affect your daily life. Your mouth is one of the first things that people see when they meet you. If your new acquaintances associate you with poor oral hygiene, it could affect how they view you. Dental breaks and bacterial buildup happen even with positive health habits. Regular visits with your trained oral health professional are therefore important for your lasting success.
Speak with Dr. James Stewart, DDS in Livonia, MI about how the right dental approach can help you to feel better and look great at the same time. We understand that your schedule may be hectic. We can help to determine a timeline for your cosmetic dentistry that works for you. Porcelain veneers could help cover up your past enamel damage and give you a neater appearance. For smaller instances of dental trauma, bonding can help you to have elegant looking teeth after damage. Tidy up your smile with cosmetic enamel enhancement! (more…)