As we grow older, many of us will develop osteoporosis. This is a disease of the skeletal system that leads to weaker bones. While we typically think of this affecting hips and legs, it can also have a damaging impact on your oral health, as well. Your every day routine, as well as checkups and… Read more »
As humans have evolved, our mouths have grown smaller, as we are more accustomed to softer, cooked foods. While that certainly has had its evolutionary benefits, it also can lead to problems with the growth of the jaw. Orthotropics is the use of expansion of the dental arch in order to allow for proper healthy… Read more »
We love our daily oral health routine, and we applaud you for being rigorous and thorough every day. But you shouldn’t ignore your regular cleanings and examinations from your dentist. While it may seem like an unnecessary procedure, it helps remove any plaque or tartar that has built up on the teeth. Your regular daily… Read more »