Month: November 2013

A Closer Look at Gum Disease and Its Treatment

Many people think of gingivitis (the inflammation of the gums) when they hear about gum disease. Unfortunately, gingivitis may only be the tip of the iceberg if gum disease is allowed to develop. You see, gingivitis has a habit of lingering in the body, allowing it to progress into a more damaging form of gum… Read more »

Why You Need to Attend Dental Checkups

If you have the propensity to let your dental checkups slide back a few months or even to skip them altogether, you could be putting your oral health at unnecessary risk. Attending dental checkups allows your Livonia dentist, Dr. James Stewart, to examine your teeth on a regular basis. These frequent examinations enable Dr. Stewart… Read more »

Why Dental Implants Are So Popular

Have you ever wondered what makes dental implants so popular? Well, imagine having a prosthetic tooth in your mouth that is held stable thanks to the support of the surrounding teeth. Biting down on this tooth would feel strange, and each time you chewed, you would be reminded of the fact that the tooth was… Read more »

Livonia Children’s Dentist Discusses Developing Good Brushing Habits

Teaching children to brush their teeth can be an exercise in maintaining patience. Many children completely refuse to brush their teeth, and finding a way to encourage brushing without having nightly battles can be very difficult. Thankfully, your Livonia children’s dentist, Dr. James Stewart, has a trick up his sleeve that may help resolve this… Read more »

Livonia Family Dentist Discusses Bruxism in Children

Have you ever come across your child grinding his or her teeth during sleep? If so, you may be worried that your little one is damaging the smile you have come to adore. You may be interested to learn, then, that a shocking 38% of children grind their teeth, yet very few of them receive… Read more »

When Do Teeth Need a Root Canal?

Have you ever wondered what happens if a cavity does not receive a dental filling? The short answer is that the bacteria responsible for the decay are left to cause further damage. The longer answer is that these bacteria may gain access to the tooth’s pulp, where they can cause a dangerous infection. If the… Read more »

Livonia Dentist Examines the Effect of Diet on Oral Health

We are all very familiar with the fact that our diets can impact the health of our bodies. But have you ever stopped to consider how certain foods can influence your oral health? According to your Livonia dentist, Dr. James Stewart, the foods and drinks you consume can have a dramatic effect on your teeth…. Read more »