Used Book Sale

bookstackAre you a bookworm? Perhaps not quite that dedicated to daily literature but you are certainly a fan of taking in the written word on a regular basis? Wherever you fall on the spectrum of book lovers, you are in for a lovely time. The Friends of the Library are holding a book sale event that is sure to please all. Grab friends or family and head over to peruse a collection of books with your fellow Livonia community members.


Dental Crown Basics

crownfortoothAre you wondering why we suggested a dental crown to fix your tooth? You will be happy to find out that a crown offers an exceptional list of benefits, including protecting your tooth so it will not need to be removed from your smile. For patients who would like to learn more about this prosthetic and what to expect, we invite you to discover more with the following information. We are happy you have taken an interest in the restorative care you need and look forward to guiding you toward an improved smile.


Can You Save My Infected Tooth?

toothhappythumbsupFortunately, if you suffer from an infection, we can save your infected tooth with root canal treatment. Granted, we assume you are not too thrilled to find out a root canal is the service best suited to your needs. The good news is that this restorative treatment is actually an exceptional procedure that will save your tooth and … believe it or not … it’s comfortable. So before you go giving root canals a bad wrap, learn more about how we save your tooth and you may find yourself singing a very different tune (and urgently scheduling that appointment you need so badly):


Cosmetic Dentistry Concerns

womanquestionIf you don’t really like the way your smile looks, you are probably overwhelmed with happiness at the thought of improving your smile’s appearance. However, just because you know cosmetic dentistry will improve your smile and the way you feel about yourself does not mean you plan on entering into treatment without asking a few questions first. We are always happy to help educate our patients, so they feel wonderful about the treatment decisions they make. If you find that you are struggling with some concerns regarding cosmetic care, we invite you to look over the following questions that we commonly receive from patients (answers are included, of course):


Transforming Your Gummy Smile

smilestraightliptintAre you becoming more and more embarrassed by your smile because of your excessive gum tissue? If so, you have likely referred to your grin as a “gummy smile” at least once in your life. Or, perhaps when you look at your smile in the mirror you recognize that it looks lopsided or generally uneven. If the distribution of your teeth length’s is symmetrical but things still look off-kilter, the culprit may be uneven gum tissue rather than uneven tooth tissue. Fortunately, for cosmetic issues resulting from uneven or excessive gum tissue, we offer gum contouring to improve your smile. Ready to learn more and to find out if contouring may provide you with the solution you desire? Read further:


Plant Share in Livonia

gardenworkIf you spend time in the garden because it gives you peace of mind, relaxes you, because you simply love plants, or even if you’ve got a brown thumb but you’re an enthusiast anyway, you’re in for a treat. The Livonia Garden Club is hosting a plant share. Grab a plant of your own and head over for an enjoyable morning surrounded by nature’s beauty.


What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

beautiful smile with cosmetic dentistryIn modern dentistry, there are a vast number of options for improving your smile. Cosmetic dentistry is a highly popular form of self-improvement, and many people are eager to experience dramatic results that can alter their overall appearance. Some patients choose to make minor enhancements, like teeth whitening, while other opt for major corrections along the lines of porcelain veneers, cosmetic orthodontics, and more. No matter your choice, you are sure to gain a great boost of confidence with your new, sparkling smile. (more…)

About Keeping Your Smile White

smilewhiteorangeflowerIf your smile has begun to discolor or fade or if you are dealing with overall yellowing or darkening, you are probably interested in learning more about cosmetic treatment that can brighten your grin. Or, if you have visited us for teeth whitening, you are probably wondering what you can do to keep your teeth white. Fortunately, we are prepared to offer you all the advice you need to enjoy and to maintain a glittering smile. It’s easier than you may think – read further for more details:


A Brief Quiz on Teeth Whitening

teeth whitening consultWith the enormous amount of growth in cosmetic dentistry in recent years, it may be useful to brush up on your knowledge, and see which options are right for you. Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures because patients can experience immediate results, with no invasive treatments. Depending on your level of improvement desired, your dentist will create a customized treatment plan to be carried out in the office or the comfort of your home. Whitening your teeth is one of the safest options in creating a beautiful, updated appearance. (more…)

Can You Rely On Porcelain Veneers?

smileperfecteyebrowsIf you have chosen porcelain veneers to transform your smile, you have chosen well. This cosmetic treatment creates a façade over your natural, visible tooth surfaces, offering a dramatic improvement. Not only can you achieve a whiter, brighter smile, but you can camouflage a long list of imperfections like chips and cracks. You can even close gaps between teeth without the need for orthodontics in many cases. So, with all of these amazing benefits, what more is there to consider? As it turns out, many patients begin wondering about the long-term benefits of veneers and what exactly they are getting themselves into. Fortunately, you will find that veneers are quite reliable. To clear up any hesitation, learn more with the following:
