Do you find that you’re experiencing some trouble deciding between a partial and a dental bridge? Rest assured, this is a common challenge faced by many patients. The good news is that by becoming familiar with the big differences (and the subtle nuances) that make each device unique, you can more easily determine which will work best for your needs. Look through a quick quiz to help clarify some of your confusion. Of course, we always suggest that you schedule time to consult with us about your tooth loss, as well. This gives us the chance to provide you with recommendations to complete your smile according to your particular requirements.
Quiz: Crowns And Your Oral Health
Are you already in the know regarding the way a dental crown can save your tooth? While you are pleased with the potential benefits, do you still recognize that you have remaining questions about how that crown will affect your general oral health – and how you will be able to keep your smile in good condition with the addition of a prosthetic tooth? Allow us to fill in the blanks (or help you discover that you know the answers to your questions) by taking an educational quiz.
Tooth Decay: 3 Things You Should Know
You know that when we tell you tooth decay is affecting your oral health, it’s not a good thing. You may also know that you will need a dental filling to address tooth decay. However – how much do you actually know about this oral health problem? It’s possible that like many of our patients, you don’t know much more than that you should schedule a visit to see us. Allow us to explain a bit by providing you with a few essential facts.
Restorative Dentistry: Myths And Facts
Are you completely sure about what you can achieve with restorative dentistry? Do you feel like you understand the generally concept – that restorative care will help get your smile back to the state of good health and complete structure that you once enjoyed – but you don’t have many details regarding the limits of this dental area? The good news is that restorations offer extraordinary improvements for your smile. Find out more by considering some myths – and corresponding facts.
Smile Shape And Texture Changes
When you begin looking into options for improving the shape and even the texture of your teeth, you will likely run across the benefits of tooth contouring. However, as you learn more and more about this cosmetic treatment, you may discover that it certainly offers advantages – but it might not speak to every one of your needs. The good news is that if contouring isn’t quite right, you have other solutions within reach. Learn a bit more about cosmetic treatments that can reshape your smile for a more beautiful appearance.
3 Reasons To Steer Clear Of OTC Whitening
Are you tired of passing by the over-the-counter (OTC) products in the store, fighting the urge to quickly buy them, run home, and conveniently whiten your smile? What’s keeping you from making this choice? Perhaps your intuition is suggesting you check with your dentist first! If so, good for you – that gut instinct has served you well. We always suggest visiting us for professional teeth whitening, while avoiding OTC whitening. Allow us to clarify why with some informative reasons.
Common Dental Bonding Questions
Do you think that dental bonding is the treatment for your cosmetic needs? Are you suffering from the tiniest problems that, though small, are having a significant impact on the way your smile looks? If so, you likely have a list of questions you would like to ask about bonding before going ahead with treatment. Consider some common questions and answers (and don’t forget to bring up any additional concerns during your next appointment with us).
Fact Versus Fiction: Porcelain Veneers
Like most other decisions in life, choosing porcelain veneers for your smile can seem like a wonderful idea – until the people around you fill your head with myths and rumors. As you find yourself more deeply involved in your cosmetic dentistry journey toward a prettier smile, you may feel more and more turned around. Rather than attempting to separate fact from fiction on your own, we encourage you to bring your questions directly to us. For now, consider a few key areas that commonly cause concern.
Cosmetic Dentistry: How To Begin
Are you extremely excited about the idea of beautifying your smile with cosmetic dentistry? Is this feeling of joy met with the realization that, though you know cosmetic care is there to address esthetic issues, you haven’t the faintest idea how to begin on this potential journey of yours? Don’t worry – we are here to take care of these details. As long as you are interested in learning more and have an open mind, we suggest you leave the hard work to us. Become a bit more familiar with the process with some detailed advice.
1980s Flashback Movie
Do you remember watching The Blues Brothers on the big screen when it first came out in the ’80s? Perhaps you have never had the chance to watch the film on anything other than your television. Whatever the case, mark a spot on your calendar, so you have time to laugh your way through this classic film.