3 Answers To Your “When Should I?” Questions

questionmarkgearsDo you find yourself wanting to ask us questions but you think to yourself that they’re the type of inquiries that might elicit laughter or a roll of the eyes? Are your questions extremely basic and – and a result – you keep them to yourself? Whether you’re asking the simplest oral health question in the world or are interested in a complex topic, we will be happy to offer an answer each and every time. Let’s begin with some frequently asked, “When should I…?” questions to get started.

Question #1: When should I schedule a cleaning and checkup?

You should schedule your preventive dental checkup and cleaning twice a year. We prefer to see you once every six months to ensure you are receiving balanced care. Seeing you twice in one week, for instance, for an exam and cleaning would not be very beneficial. Seeing you once every six months, however, promotes optimal plaque removal and detection and treatment of potential oral health concerns.

Question #2: When should I ask questions?

You should always ask questions. Whether you are speaking with us on the phone, seeing us for a preventive visit, sitting in our chair for a restorative treatment – whatever the case, if you have a question, we encourage you to ask. The more educated you are and the more confident you feel about your relationship with us and your smile, the easier it becomes to successfully manage your oral health.

Question #3: When should I brush and floss my teeth?

Good question! This is something we often assume our patients know but that doesn’t mean everyone has a good handle on this oral health essential. Memorize the following:

  • Brush twice a day – once in the morning and again before bed
  • Floss once daily, preferably during one of your two brushing sessions