How Do Breathing Issues Impact Child Behavior?

Many children in the United States are having trouble breathing at night. When airways are obstructed, they may not be receiving the proper rest they need, even if it seems like they’re sleeping great. In today’s blog, we’re discussing when our Livonia, MI, patients should talk to us about orthotopic treatment and how addressing these breathing issues could impact child behavior.


The “Should” Questions We Are Happy To Answer

There are so many “should” questions that can pop into your head on any given day. While they may apply to just about anything, since you’re practicing dental hygiene on a daily basis, it’s quite likely that you have some should-I questions show up regarding your oral health quite regularly. The interesting thing about these types of inquiries is that while some of them have definitive answers, others do not, making things a bit trickier. To get started, our Livonia, MI team think you’ll enjoy a quick round of questions and answers. To keep the education going, bring up questions during your next checkup!


If You’re Not Flossing, Now Is Definitely A Good Time To Start

There might be oh so many reasons you’re not flossing! Maybe you used to floss your smile but you stopped. Perhaps you have never really flossed and, as a result, you don’t really think about it very much. Maybe you floss sometimes but you’re feeling frustrated with flossing, so you can’t seem to stick with it. Of course, our Livonia, MI team likes to remind patients that when this part of your dental hygiene presents any sort of problem or you have questions, you can easily get back on track when you check in with us for the help you need! As for those motivating factors you really should know about, we’ve got those, too!


Smile Protection: It’s Often Easier Than You Think

When you think about the things you want to do for your smile, one of the primary goals likely includes protecting your grin! You want to make sure that your teeth stay healthy and that your gums remain healthy, as well. Add into the mix the fact that you’d really like keeping up with a very bright, white smile and that pretty much covers it. As you consider what all of this takes, you may think it’s going to become complicated and that there are probably some complex details you need to become familiar with. The truth is, though, that smile protection is actually much easier than you think most of the time. Allow our Livonia, MI team to elaborate!


Fluoride: Who Does It Help And How?

You may wonder who fluoride helps. You know that kids need to get enough of it. You know that we generally suggest toothpaste that contains fluoride in it for yourself and your kids, too. However, you might find that you’re not really sure if it’s for everyone all the time, why this particular ingredient is so important, why you hear about it so frequently (but why you seem to know so little about its significance). While you might feel a little turned around regarding this aspect of your oral health, there’s no reason to worry. Our Livonia, MI team is here to guide your teeth toward exceptional health.


How Children Can Benefit from Orthotropic Treatment

Much like general dentistry for adults, children’s dental care focuses mainly on prevention. For instance, routine checkups and cleanings help prevent issues like cavities from forming, or detect such issues early enough to treat them effectively. Sometimes, however, your child’s oral health concerns may not be as simple as tooth decay. For example, issues such as the growth and development of their facial and oral structures can also play a role in their long-term oral health. Fortunately, children in Livonia, MI, have several options, including orthotropic treatment, for addressing such issues and preventing more complex problems in the future. (more…)

Attention All Vegans: Getting Enough Calcium For Strong Teeth

You may ask yourself what to do when you know that you need calcium to build strong bones and strong teeth but you’re a vegan. The usual suggestions you hear about frequently include some form of dairy that is not part of your lifestyle. Of course, you can always rely in part on supplements but as any dentist will tell you, the best thing to do is to ingest vitamins and minerals naturally through the foods that you eat. Where to begin, you may wonder to yourself? Our Livonia, MI team has some helpful hints for you (and things we think you really need to remember).
