Category: Dental Hygiene

If You’re Not Flossing, Now Is Definitely A Good Time To Start

There might be oh so many reasons you’re not flossing! Maybe you used to floss your smile but you stopped. Perhaps you have never really flossed and, as a result, you don’t really think about it very much. Maybe you floss sometimes but you’re feeling frustrated with flossing, so you can’t seem to stick with… Read more »

Fluoride: Who Does It Help And How?

You may wonder who fluoride helps. You know that kids need to get enough of it. You know that we generally suggest toothpaste that contains fluoride in it for yourself and your kids, too. However, you might find that you’re not really sure if it’s for everyone all the time, why this particular ingredient is… Read more »

Making Dental Hygiene Easier On Your Hands

Do you ever find that even though you have no reason to avoid your dental hygiene and you are perfectly happy to clean your smile, it’s often hard on your hands? Whether holding floss steady and guiding it between teeth is difficult or if holding the slim handle of your toothbrush causes your hands to… Read more »

Dental Sealants Quiz: Do You Know The Facts?

If you know a lot about dental sealants, then you may have only a random question about them here and there. However, if you don’t really know a lot about them except that they can help prevent cavities, it will most certainly benefit you to gain a quick education! For instance, you might know that… Read more »

Protecting Gum Health In 3 Easy Steps

Protecting your gum health may be a new idea to you, particularly if you’ve always thought it was all about protecting your teeth. Or, this may be something that’s been on your radar for quite a while, though you were never really sure what to do about ensuring you’re taking the right steps to get… Read more »

Your Bad Breath: What’s Happening, How To Stop It?

There are many potential causes for your bad breath. Did you know that it’s not always just about the foods that you’re eating? If you’ve cut out smelly foods that you have assumed that were the culprits and have discovered that the unpleasant odor still lingers (or overpowers!), then you may have already recognized this… Read more »

Dental Hygiene: The Little Details Make A Difference

Rather than allowing your dental hygiene to seem difficult, remember that it’s actually very simple. When you focus on the essentials and associated particulars, which include brushing and flossing, and ensure you’re doing things correctly, you know you’re putting forth your best effort. Add in your preventive visits with us and you’ll be doing a… Read more »

Gagging: What To Do About It?

What can you do about gagging during dental hygiene, you wonder? You know that your daily brushing and flossing is extremely important, which is why you don’t simply stop doing it. Without it, you will typically end up with a host of problems like cavities, gum disease, and the list keeps going. Here’s the good… Read more »

Get Serious About Your Smile!

If you aren’t already, then it is most definitely time to get serious about your smile care! Not really something you’ve been all that interested in addressing lately because though you know you should and you do want to do things right, you’re not sure where to begin? This is something we hear frequently! What… Read more »

Toothpaste: Helpful Hints For Hygiene

What you want from your toothpaste is simple. You want it to taste good and you want it to work, so you know the time you spend on dental care at home every day is actually paying off! Otherwise, it would feel like brushing and flossing just wasn’t worth the effort. So, when it comes… Read more »