Oral Health Facts For Seniors

agingYour bodies change as you age. You lose muscle mass, bone density, strength, balance, memory, and teeth. But, you don’t necessarily have to lose your teeth. The loss of your teeth is something you can help prevent.  According to the American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA), nearly 250 million people throughout the US, Japan, and Europe suffer from tooth loss.  In today’s blog, your Livonia, MI dentist, Dr. James Stewart shares other important oral health facts for seniors.


Which Toothpaste Is Right For You?

tpasteOxygenated toothpaste can be beneficial to your oral health. In fact it is often prescribed for patients who have oral health issues such as periodontal disease, chronic bad breath, or other issues. In a previous blog, your Livonia, MI dentist, Dr. James Stewart mentioned using oxygenated toothpaste to brush your tongue and reduce bad breath. Today he discusses other benefits of oxygenated toothpaste.


Facts About Childhood Caries

babydentIt probably wouldn’t come as a surprise if you heard that childhood caries (tooth decay) was a serious problem in third world countries. But what if you were told that it was a serious problem right here in the U.S.? Well it is. Why is tooth decay serious? Because you need your teeth to eat. You need healthy strong teeth to be able to crunch on healthy fruits and vegetables. You need strong teeth to eat an apple, and a simple apple contains vitamin C, riboflavin, thiamin, vitamin B-6, dietary fiber, phytonutrients, calcium, potassium, and phosphorous. Each and every one these vitamins and nutrients helps keep your body healthy. If a child cannot bite an apple, look at all the health benefits that child misses. In today’s blog, your Livonia, MI dentist, Dr. James Stewart talks straight facts about childhood caries.               (more…)

What is a Space Maintainer?

missingtooth]The average age that children begin losing their teeth is six. Some begin before, around age four, and other’s maybe not until they turn seven. But losing teeth is a natural occurrence for children between the ages of four and seven. Sometimes, however, a child may lose a tooth or teeth earlier, possibly from an accident, or perhaps due to decay. When a child loses a tooth prematurely the permanent tooth can erupt too early and it can often come in crooked. To prevent this from happening to your child, your Livonia, MI dentist, Dr. James Stewart, explains what to do to prevent crooked teeth should your child lose a tooth too early.


Partial Denture or Bridge?

pic1There are many options available when it comes to tooth replacement. So many options, in fact, that it may become confusing trying to decide which is right for you. There are dentures, partial dentures, bridges, implants, etc., and each has its own benefits. Today, your Livonia, MI dentist, Dr. James Stewart explains the difference between a partial denture and a bridge.


The Importance Of Brushing Your Tongue

whitetongueHave you ever wondered what that white film on your tongue is? It gets thicker the farther back you look. Sometimes it looks grayish, or brownish. Perhaps you don’t give much thought to it, but you should. It’s putrefying, or rot-causing, bacteria eating leftover food particles in your tongue. Gross, huh? That’s not all. As it metabolizes the food particles it releases foul-smelling gases that we call bad breath. Most people pay conscientious attention to their teeth, but overlook their tongue. Brushing your teeth eliminates plaque, but a few hours afterward your tongue transfers more sugar, debris, and rot-causing bacteria that produce plaque back onto your teeth. In today’s blog, your Livonia, MI dentist, Dr. James Stewart discusses the importance of brushing your tongue.


How Often Do You Think About Your Toothbrush?

worn toothbrushHow old is your toothbrush? Have you replaced it recently? What kind of toothbrush do you buy?  Believe it or not, your toothbrush is important to your health, and not just your dental health, but your overall health. But, you probably don’t give it much thought.  For instance, are your bristles worn? Is your toothbrush comfortable in your mouth? If your toothbrush is not comfortable and you are not brushing effectively then you are doing yourself a disservice. We brush our teeth not only to keep them clean and healthy, but to prevent periodontal disease. Periodontal disease affects your overall health, so it’s best to keep it at bay. In today’s blog,your Livonia, MI dentist, Dr. James Stewart discusses the importance of your toothbrush.
