Comparing Orthotropics to Orthodontics

In many ways, orthotropics and orthodontics share several similarities. Both treatment plans focus on improving oral health development through careful realignment, and both are often prescribed to help children avoid more serious oral health concerns in the future. However, deciding on the best treatment option for your child depends on the specific concerns your child faces. For instance, while orthodontic treatment can correct growth and development issues related to malocclusion (a crooked bite), orthotropics may be necessary to correct issues with the development of a child’s facial structures. (more…)

3 Problems TMJ Treatment Can Address

You know that when you see our team for TMJ treatment that it is going to help you lessen the effects of TMJ disorder and, hopefully, eliminate the symptoms. It will also guide you toward a smile that’s headed for excellent health, rather than one headed for jaw joints that may become significantly damaged due to long-term stress. As for the details of what our treatment will actually help you say goodbye to? Well, let’s talk about a few very frustrating and uncomfortable symptoms that will subside.


A Few Signs that Your Child Might Need Orthotropics

There are many reasons why children’s dentistry should begin as early as possible. For instance, good habits develop early, and getting used to visiting the dentist can have lifelong benefits in the form of excellent oral health and beautiful, confident smiles. Regular dental visits also allow the dentist to ensure that your child’s oral and facial structures are developing properly and in good health. Otherwise, early intervention or correction (such as orthotropic treatment) may be necessary to avoid serious complications in the future. (more…)

Your Bad Breath: What’s Happening, How To Stop It?

There are many potential causes for your bad breath. Did you know that it’s not always just about the foods that you’re eating? If you’ve cut out smelly foods that you have assumed that were the culprits and have discovered that the unpleasant odor still lingers (or overpowers!), then you may have already recognized this detail. So, what’s going on and what are you supposed to do to resolve the problem? We have answers, so you can get back to a smile that’s super fresh.


The Benefits of Orthotropic Treatment

Children’s dentistry often focuses on preventing issues like tooth decay and cavities through good hygiene education and preventive dental efforts. In some cases, it may also include customized treatment to correct the growth and development of teeth and oral structures, such as with orthodontic treatment. However, discrepancies in oral development are often related to issues with facial development, and for many children, orthotropic treatment offers the most benefits when it comes to improving their overall health. Today, we look at a few of the lifelong benefits that children can enjoy thanks to orthotropics. (more…)

Oral Health And Beverages: Do This, Not That

When you pick up a glass of your beverage of choice, you may not realize that whatever it is (and even how you’re drinking it) can have just as serious an impact on your oral health as the foods that you choose. Furthermore, when you discover that your usual habits aren’t so great for your smile, it can be very difficult to figure out what to do next when you’re not certain about alternatives. Not to worry! We are here to explain what you can do in place of not-so-wonderful decisions.


What Does Orthotropics Treat?

There are a number of issues that children can exhibit that may not be obviously connected to their oral and facial growth. Yet, after orthotropics treatment, many children sleep easier, find lasting relief from headaches, have fewer behavioral issues, and more. The connection is that orthotropic treatment corrects several issues that can often lead to sleep breathing disorders, bite complications, and more, which can often affect a child’s mood, behavior, and quality of sleep. (more…)

Allergy Season: 2 Things To Note

The most beautiful season of the year (according to many) is on its way. Before it shows up, is there anything you’re a bit worried about? If you’re someone who suffers from allergies, then the immediate answer is, “Yes!” You know that many are excited about the beautiful pastel colors of spring that show up in fashion, in nature, and just about everywhere else. However, you are more focused on the fact that this time of year means difficulty with your upper airways! So, what does this mean for your oral health as you treat the problem and do your best to breathe freely? We have some things to make note of!


Orthotropics: Fixing Facial Growth Before Problems Develop

When you think of correcting your child’s smile alignment, your first thoughts may be of orthodontic treatment. After all, orthodontic braces are the traditional way of helping a child develop straighter, more attractive, and more functional smiles. However, in some cases, there’s more at play than just the alignment of your child’s teeth. For instance, issues with uneven or disproportionate facial growth can lead to a host of problems down the road, including respiratory issues and sleep breathing disorders. To prevent such problems, your child’s dentist might recommend orthotropics to correct any issues with facial growth. (more…)

Get Better Oral Health: Get Organized!

Did you know that you might be able to get better oral health for yourself by getting organized? If you’ve never really considered the way you set up your days (and months and year, etc.) then you may be overlooking a very important and helpful tool. You may feel like getting dental hygiene and visits accomplished is some sort of very haphazard art form. Fortunately, you don’t have to feel like you’re scrambling with your smile care. Instead, with just a little bit of structure, you can feel like it’s easy breezy.
