Smile Health: You Cannot Always Trust Your Eyes

Yes, of course, there are times when you see a change with your oral health, you know that something must be wrong, and you call us right up. Maybe you recognize gum tissue that appears purple, you know it must be gum disease, you come in to see our Livonia, MI team, and we offer immediate help. In many cases, your sense of sight is extremely beneficial in keeping your smile safe. However, this is not always the case. While we do not wish to deter you from letting us know when you see something different, we do want to remind you that you’ll need to rely on more than meets the eye when you’re striving to offer yourself complete and effective dental care. Learn more!


Cozy, Cold Weather Treats: Smile Foes!

With the changing of everything, from the weather to the decor you see in stores to the cold-weather holidays that are coming, the world seems to turn on its axis a bit as autumn and winter arrive. When it comes to your smile health and its beauty, too, this may be a time for you to put some extra measures in place to ensure you’re not digging into cold-weather treats that could mean bad news for your grin. Are you sure about what’s considered a “friend” and what’s a “foe” to your smile during this festive time of year? Cover the details with our Livonia, MI team, so you’re headed toward protection!


TMJ Disorder: Habits You Don’t Realize Make Things Worse

There are things you know that you can do to make your TMJ disorder better. First and foremost, of course, that includes visiting our Livonia, MI team as you discover more about and head home with TMJ treatment to allow your jaws to heal. While this is certainly to your advantage in a big way, something you may not notice just yet is that there are also things you should stop doing if you really want to give your jaw joints the best chance they have at regaining and maintaining their health and their proper function. Did you know there are little things you’re doing that can really make things worse? Let’s cover some of them!


Cosmetic Dentistry: 3 Little Fixes We Definitely Offer

There may be some issues that affect your smile, which end up seeming so small to you that you assume cosmetic care won’t be something we will offer. You assume we will consider the blemish or concern “insignificant” and, as a result, you decide to just keep the worry to yourself, rather than to let us know you’d really like to make things better. Our Livonia, MI team wants you to remember that any type of damage, whether it’s just esthetic or something to do with your overall oral health is always considered significant. So, rather than place value of any kind on the matter, which causes you determine whether or not it’s worth of care, simply come see us.


For Your Healthy Smile: Fluoride, Flossing, And Frequency!

There are so many ways to look at your smile and your oral health, as you do your best to keep it in excellent condition. Of course, the main approach is simply to remember that you should practice home and professional preventive care, so you don’t end up with any type of concern, whether it’s decay, gingivitis, TMJ disorder, or anything else! While this is certainly something our Livonia, MI team suggests, you are well aware that within the main method of protecting your oral tissues, there are lots of little details that you may consider along the way to improve your success. Let’s talk about some of them as motivation to keep up the good work. Keep in mind, they all begin with the same letter!
