Choosing Tooth Contouring: Fast Facts

smileglassessweaterHow much do you know about how to improve problems with your teeth that detract from your smile? You likely know that choosing a cosmetic treatment will help. But what about softening pointed teeth, smoothing out oddly shaped tooth borders, or improving texture issues? When it comes to carefully removing a small amount of tooth tissue to improve the overall appearance of your smile, we encourage you to learn more about tooth contouring. Are you beginning to think contouring may offer the improvements you desire but you would still like to learn a bit more? Consider the following fast facts while you decide:


Sculpt Your Smile with Dental Bonding

smilepinkbackgroundAre you dealing with a minor esthetic concern with your smile that is simply too great to ignore but that does not require complex treatment like veneers? If your tooth has suffered minor cosmetic damage or if you are looking to improve an area that would look more pleasing with additional tissue, we invite you to learn about dental bonding. This additive treatment can quickly transform your smile without the need for costly or time-consuming visits. Is this sounding good already? Learn more about bonding to find out if it will address your needs:


Livonia Easter Egg Hunt

eastereggswoodbckgrndThere are few things more adorable than watching pastel-clothed children scamper across a field to uncover hidden Easter eggs. Now that the holiday has finally arrives, you are invited to attend your local community Easter egg hunt where the whole family can enjoy a festive, fun-filled morning.


Dental Implants Refresher Course

dentalimplantpartsPatients seeking tooth replacement solutions often find themselves overjoyed when they learn about the benefits of dental implants. You may recognize that implants offer exceptional stability, particularly when they come up against other prosthetics like dental bridges or dentures. However, do you know what makes implants so stable? Do you know what to expect if you choose to replace your teeth with implants? To make sure you feel fully informed before making a final decision, we encourage you to glance through the following refresher course:


Why Do We Grind Our Teeth?


Does your significant other ever complain about you grinding your teeth at night? If so, then you may be suffering a serious oral health issue known as bruxism. Without treatment, you run the risk of damaging your teeth, as well as tooth decay or infection. Fortunately, we can address the issue and help you rest easy without episodes of grinding or clenching.
