Taking care of your grin is a constant task. From making sure to practice excellent preventive care at home through brushing and flossing, attending routine examinations and cleanings, and even taking into account your diet and beverage consumption, it can become tiring at times. Even when you follow these steps closely, outside forces can play a factor in your smile’s appearance, including items that stain your teeth or even physical accidents that cause chips and cracks. Having a healthy smile is one thing, but having a healthy smile that you love and feel confident in is another, and that is why your Livonia, MI dentist at James Stewart, DDS wants to inform you about three ways veneers can address cosmetic inconsistencies.
What Makes Care For Seniors Different?
At each stage of our life, we need different levels of care for our smile. As a child, the focus is on making sure teeth erupt and develop properly, and that cavities stay at bay. As we grow older, we focus on gum health and other common issues. But what about senior care? In today’s blog, your Livonia, MI, dentist discusses our approach to senior dentistry.
What Technologies Do We Use?
Aside from lifelike restorations and advanced prosthetics, including dental implants, our team employs a number of other technologies to treat your smile and provide a diagnosis with accuracy and precision. In today’s blog, your Livonia, MI, dentist is looking at a few of the advanced technologies we offer our patients.
Use Your 2020 Benefits Before They Expire!
Now that December is finally here, finding time to see the dentist is running out! After all, your 2020 dental insurance benefits will soon be expiring. Instead of letting them vanish, why not put them to good use and start 2021 with your best possible smile? In today’s blog, your Livonia, MI, dentist is looking at the advantages of seeing us before December 31st.
Children’s Orthotropic Care With Biobloc
In our last blog, we explained how orthodontic treatment could help adults breathe easier and enjoy improved facial esthetics. However, we also have the same treatment options to help children, guiding the growth of their jaw and facial structures to improve oral health. In today’s blog, your Livonia, MI, dentist will look at children’s orthotropic treatment with Biobloc appliances.
Adult Orthotropic Care With Homeoblock™
As we grow, sometimes issues with the development of our jaw and oral structures could impact how well we breathe at night, our facial structure, and lead to the onset of issues like sleep apnea, TMD, or even bruxism. In childhood, we correct these issues and guide the growth of the jaw with orthotropics. But if you were unable to seek treatment for these concerns in childhood, we can use the Homeoblock™ oral appliances to provide care for adults in Livonia, MI.
The Benefits Of Bridging Your Smile’s Gap
When you lose a tooth, you have a gap in your smile that could be embarrassing. However, this gap could also cause major complications for your smile’s health! To avoid these complications and maintain a beautiful smile, you need to bridge this gap. In today’s blog, your Livonia, MI, dentist explains how we accomplish this with a custom prosthetic.
Full Vs. Partial Dental Crowns
We recently discussed how fillings help us provide a lifelike solution to tooth decay. But what if your cavities, or infections, are simply too severe to address with a filling? For a more substantial restoration, we may create a partial or full crown. In today’s blog, your Livonia, MI, dentist will explain how we craft and place restorations that look natural and safeguard your smile.
Protect Your Teeth From Halloween-Related Cavities
What happens when you or your children suddenly eat more sweets than usual? Well, your teeth could become at risk of developing painful cavities, and over time, could become vulnerable to issues like infection! However, there are steps you can take at home and in our office to keep your smile safe. In today’s blog, your Livonia, MI, dentist looks at keeping smiles safe from cavities.
Fillings That Blend With Your Tooth
Dental fillings are an effective, long-term solution for treating minor and more advanced cases of tooth decay. While at one time they were usually created from metals like amalgam or gold, your Livonia, MI, dentist can offer a more lifelike alternatives with composite resin. In today’s blog, we’re going to explain how we create restorations that blend with your tooth.