A Few Things You Might Not Realize About Restorative Care

When the final say on your smile during your dental visit with us includes the suggestion of restorative care, it means your oral health has slipped a bit. You might have a damaged tooth. You may have a missing tooth. Or a cavity! Or a tooth infection! The list is long and varied and, while it is easy to care for your smile, sometimes things happen that mean you will require additional help getting that oral health back in good shape. When you need this type of assistance, remember that our Livonia, MI team is here to provide the dental care you need! Learn a few things you might not realize about restorative dentistry to feel even better about receiving it.


Worries About Cosmetic Care Holding You Back

As you know, cosmetic care is one of the fields of dental care that we offer for a very good reason: We want to help you make your smile look its best, particularly in the wake of esthetic damage, such as discoloration, minor chips, and more. While this is likely knowledge that you’ve already soaked up in regard to cosmetic improvements, there may be some things holding you back. Our Livonia, MI team has discovered in more than one instance that little hurdles (that do not hold any actual weight) often stop patients from seeking the changes they want for themselves when they could otherwise receive care and feel amazing about their smiles! We would like to begin removing those obstacles with answers to frequently asked questions.


Gum Disease: 3 Ways Of Realizing You Have It

You are well aware that one of the main goals with your dental care is to keep your gums healthy. However, when it comes to issues like gingivitis and more advanced gum disease, you may not feel very informed in regard to how you will know it’s happening. Will it simply hurt? Is there some particular symptom that you will notice the moment it begins, you ask yourself? While recognizing the earliest signs of a problem with your gum health (gingivitis) can be a bit tricky, there are a few straightforward ways you can detect it. Join our Livonia, MI team as we examine them.


Does My Child Have A Sleep Disorder?

With orthotropics, our Livonia, MI, team offers treatment for children suffering from difficulty sleeping. Children as young as age three could develop problems with breathing that impact their sleep, or may indicate the presence of a disorder requiring treatment. In today’s blog, we’re looking at the warning signs of trouble and discussing how a custom oral appliance could help.


Cleaning Between Your Teeth: Easy Details

Remember that when you’re keeping your smile healthy and clean that cleaning between your teeth is part of the equation. If you’re focusing only on getting the surfaces of your teeth clean, then you’re only doing a partially good job. “Isn’t this enough?” you might ask yourself. Unfortunately, when we’re discussing your oral health, “enough” is only when you’re completing the cleaning session by getting all dental surfaces clean, which includes the areas between your teeth. So, what can you do to be sure you’re addressing even these little spaces? Our Livonia, MI practice can answer that with easy care reminders!


Want a New Smile This Year? Ask About Porcelain Veneers!

At the beginning of a new year, most people’s thoughts turn to making improvements to their lives and starting things anew. Your smile may not always be one of those things, but if your goal is to improve your wellbeing, then your smile and oral health could be an important place to start. At our Livonia, MI, cosmetic dentist’s office, one or more custom-made porcelain veneers could help you achieve the beautiful, healthy, and youthful smile that you deserve so you can start the new year with the utmost confidence. (more…)