Does My Child Need An Orthotropic Appliance?

tired child in need of orthotropic care

When your child seems unable to enjoy a good night’s rest without interruption, this could impact their behavior and even cause them to fall behind in school. For many, these issues, often is misdiagnosed as ADD or ADHD, could be the result of complications with the growth and development of the smile. In today’s blog, your Livonia, MI, dentist looks at how we help kids with orthotropic care.


How A Checkup Safeguards Your Oral Health

dental checkup

Our last blog focused on the cleaning portion of your six-month visit, explaining how removing plaque protects smiles from serious oral health issues. Today, we’re going to look at the other half of these same visits: the dental exam. Your Livonia, MI, dentist will explain how a simple checkup and oral cancer screening is crucial for keeping smiles strong and healthy for years to come.


Avoid Tooth Loss By Treating Gum Disease

gum disease

Did you know that unless treated, gum disease could lead to an advanced stage known as periodontitis, which is responsible for adult tooth loss? In today’s blog, we’re looking at the steps needed to avoid gum disease, or if the issue has already developed in your smile, manage it successfully. Let’s learn how your Livonia, MI, dentist addresses gum disease and prevents tooth loss!


Same Day Cosmetic Repair With Bonding And Contouring

dental bonding to fix a tooth

If you have a chipped tooth, or one with permanent teeth stains that don’t respond to teeth whitening, then we can help! With dental bonding and contouring, your Livonia, MI, dentist provides cosmetic repair in just one visit. In today’s blog, find out how we use these unique cosmetic treatments to improve smile beauty in a single visit. After all, cosmetic care could also help improve the overall health of your smile too!
