Periodontal Disease Linked To Systemic Health

Many people may not understand that periodontal (gum) disease is a progressive condition. The disease becomes more severe the longer left untreated. Not only does this evoke further dental health concerns, but it also plays a role in affecting the rest of your body. Researchers have discovered that your oral health status could play a major role in maintaining a healthy body or regulating existing conditions. (more…)

Visit Your Family Dentist in Livonia, MI

Age shouldn’t deter you from visiting your family dentist. Children as young as one and seniors as old as 102 should consistently attend general checkups and cleanings to ensure optimum oral health. Dr. Stewart and our team believe in building lasting relationships with our patients, educating them on oral health, and providing comprehensive care that will assist them in maintaining oral health longevity. Your family dentist in Livonia, MI, Dr. Stewart, encourages you to schedule an appointment for yourself or a loved one. (more…)

Arbor Day Brings Out the Dental-Nut in Us

Happy Arbor Day from all of us at the Dr. James Stewart dental practice  in Livonia, MI, recognized as a Tree City USA by The National Arbor Day Foundation for the last 15 years. Join the celebration, and plant a tree this weekend. Buchanan Elementary students passed out seedlings and literature today for the the community’s Arbor Day event, coordinated by the Livonia Tree City Committee. Of course, as dental professionals, we always celebrate Arbor Day. Just check out these tree-related dental practices and remedies.


What to Expect With Your Dental Health When You’re Expecting

Swollen ankles. Nausea that strikes randomly. And wildly-fluctuating hormone changes that could make a saint swear.

Ahh, the glow of pregnancy.

Your body is changing and growing so rapidly, it is easy to overlook your teeth during the nine (let’s be honest, it’s more like ten) months of growing your little peanut. Here are some dental health situations you may face and how to address them, as recommended by the American Dental Association. (more…)

Is Teeth Whitening Right for You?

female smileTeeth whitening is commonly used to reduce or eliminate stains on tooth enamel. Discolored teeth can negatively affect your confidence and, according to a poll by the AACD, stained teeth can make you appear less intelligent, successful, and friendly than someone with a bright white smile. Kelton Research published a study that indicated, after teeth whitening, job candidates were more likely to receive a job offer and a higher pay rate than interviewees who did not whiten their teeth.

Most people feel confident and less inhibited in connecting with others by smiling if our teeth have a bright, white appearance. Perhaps this is a primary reason one visit teeth whitening is a popular option for people who want a brighter smile and/or want to remove unsightly stains from their teeth. (more…)

SedationDentist : The Truth About Nitrous Oxide

woman relaxing

woman relaxing

Before undergoing any dental procedure that may require anesthesia or sedation, it is helpful to have a general understanding about the most common options and how they work to relieve stress and fear prior to dental procedures. One of the most popular sedatives in dentistry, which has been used for many decades, is a substance called nitrous oxide.

You’ll learn some of the most critical things you should know about this sedative and how it may provide a more pleasant experience during procedures. (more…)

When Headaches are Dental Related

man with bad headacheWhen your tooth hurts, it’s called a toothache, and as such, it’s most likely a dental issue. When your head hurts, it’s called a headache, but unlike a toothache, its origin isn’t always obvious. Headaches and migraines are among the most common forms of discomfort, and can indicate excessive stress and anxiety, a pinched nerve, a lack of oxygenated-blood to the brain, or a host of other possible conditions. In some cases, patients can endure their frequent headaches for years before finally learning that the problem stems from a dental-related issue. With a visit to our Livonia dentist’s office, Dr. Stewart can perform a comprehensive examination to determine if your chronic aches and pains can be resolved with an appropriate dental treatment.

OSA and Your Quality of Sleep

Obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, is a condition that involves constant, repetitive cycles during which you stop breathing in your sleep. The issue arises when oral tissues in your mouth and throat clog your airway, restricting your breath and resulting in the sound of snoring. The noise grows louder the more your airway is obstructed, until finally, your airway is completely blocked and you stop breathing. Your mind will panic and force your body awake to start breathing, but not enough to fully wake you up. The decreased sleep and oxygen can eventually affect your quality of life, leading to chronic headaches and migraines, symptoms of sleep deprivation, and an increased risk of cardiovascular problems.

TMJ and the Function of Your Jaw

TMJ stands for your temporomandibular joint, which is one of two joints that connect your lower jaw to your skull. TMJs allow your jaw to open and close as needed when you bite, chew, and speak. Normally, these joints move smoothly in tandem, allowing the pressure of your bite to be distributed evenly. When your bite is imbalanced, or when you habitually grind your teeth (bruxism), your TMJs can become damaged, misaligned, or inflamed, aggravating the trigeminal nerve that innervates the majority of your head, neck, and face. Besides painful, sore jaw muscles, TMJ disorder can also lead to severe migraines, frequent earaches, popping/clicking noises in your jaw, and a host of other craniofacial pains.

Find Relief

Because both OSA and TMJ disorder originate with your oral structures, Dr. Stewart often helps patients find relief by custom-designing specialized dental appliances. In the case of OSA, a sleep guard can hold your lower jaw in a forward position to prevent tissues from collapsing into your airway. TMJ disorder can often be alleviated with a mouthguard designed to prevent teeth from grinding together to give your jaw’s joints time to heal. After a comprehensive examination, Dr. Stewart will consult with you to determine what’s causing your headaches, and whether or not a custom dental appliance can help you find relief.


James Steward, DDS, and our compassionate staff proudly serve patients of all ages from Livonia, Farmington Hills, Plymouth, Northville, Dearborn Heights, Garden City, and all surrounding communities. To schedule a cosmetic consultation, call our office today at (734) 425-4400.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Can Be Treated

woman asleep on the couchAccording to the National Sleep Foundation, more than 18 million American adults have obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA. The cause of this condition is the brief and repeated interruption of your breathing while you sleep. Muscles in the back of the throat fail to keep over-relaxed or large oral tissues from collapsing into your airway, which interrupts your breathing for up to ten seconds or more. This pause can cause low blood oxygen levels and irregular sleep intervals, leading to the possible development of high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and fragmented memory loss over time. If you’ve been diagnosed with OSA, then Dr. Stewart can help you treat your condition and help you avoid the resulting health risks. (more…)

Discussing Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

woman in bed can't sleepThe US National Library of Medicine mentions in an article that obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common problem affecting 24% of middle-aged males and 9% of middle-aged females. Among these adults, snoring is a common trait. The prevalence of snoring could indicate the presence of obstructive sleep apnea, and a trained professional like Dr. Stewart can determine your specific needs when it comes to treating your condition. (more…)