Category: Sleep Apnea

Why You Should be Aware of Sleep Apnea Risks

If you experience daytime fatigue, chronic headaches when you wake in the morning, difficulty concentrating, and other symptoms of sleep deprivation, you might suffer from sleep apnea. If you sleep with a partner who’s constantly disturbed by your loud, erratic snoring, then the likelihood is even higher. Obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, describes a sleep… Read more »

Sleep Well, Protect Your Heart

February is American Heart Month, when more-than-usual attention is drawn to the brevity and prevalence of cardiovascular issues, and the lifestyle choices that affect your risks for heart disease. The many issues that influence your heart health include your diet and level of exercise, but also your quality of sleep, which might be drastically affected… Read more »

The Inverse Relationship Between Snoring & Sleep

In mathematics, an inverse relationship describes a situation where one variable increase as the other decreases. Snoring and sleep share a similar relationship; the more you snore, the less likely you and your partner will sleep soundly through the night. The sound can keep your partner awake, and snoring may indicate a disorder that deprives… Read more »

The Gift of a Good Night’s Sleep

Many people don’t realize how precious sleep is until they’re deprived of it. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a sleep disorder that affects approximately 18 million Americans, can deprive you of quality sleep even while you remain unconscious and unaware of your condition. As a Livonia dentist with years of experience in obstructive sleep apnea medicine,… Read more »

Dr. Stewart Attends Advanced Dental Sleep Medicine Seminar

Dental technology, treatment options, and materials never stop advancing. It makes sense then that a dentist who wants to stay at the top of his game should never stop learning. Dr. Stewart actively pursues continuing education courses every year and he’s especially excited about his most recent training in Advanced Dental Sleep Medicine topics with… Read more »

Livonia Dentist Reports Health Issues Linked to OSA

Do you have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and have yet to receive treatment? Then this article is meant for you. Dr. James Stewart, your Livonia dentist, explains the health risks associated with untreated cases of OSA. Untreated Cases of OSA Could Lead to Following Heart disease. Those who suffer with OSA lose valuable sleep each… Read more »

Helpful Exercises for Snoring Cessation from Your Livonia Dentist

If someone in your family snores, then you’re probably seeking snoring cessation tricks. Snoring is a side effect of weak throat tissues. To strengthen those muscles, your Livonia dentist, Dr. James Stewart, suggests some snoring cessation exercises to reduce nighttime snoring. These Tips Can Improve Your Snoring Symptoms Purse your lips. Though pursing your lips… Read more »

Kiddo Snoring? Your Livonia Dentist Explains Possible Causes

Children can have some strange nighttime tendencies. Some sleepwalk and others talk in their sleep; yet, what most children don’t do is snore in their sleep. A child who snores loudly every night is probably suffering from a larger issue. While snoring may not seem like a problem, the lack of oxygen each night may… Read more »

Diagnosing OSA: Livonia Dentist Tells You How

What’s an average night’s sleep for you? If it’s not restful, you may feel tired throughout the day. Though trouble sleeping is a fairly common ailment, patients who snore excessively and constantly feel groggy or irritable, may suffer from a condition called obstructive sleep apnea (or OSA). This sleeping disorder keeps sufferers having a successful… Read more »

Livonia Dentist Says, OSA Affects the Entire Body, Not Just Your Sleep

Have you been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)? Then you should seek treatment as soon as possible. Sleep apnea can present many problems with your overall health. To teach his patients about the risk factors of untreated OSA, Dr. James Stewart, your Livonia dentist provides the following information. Untreated OSA Increases Your Risk of… Read more »