Babies and Teething in Livonia

Our hopefully lifelong relationship with our teeth starts at a young age—and usually with some swelling and discomfort. “Teething” is the eruption of a child’s primary teeth (baby teeth) and occurs between three months and 12 months of age. Today, our Livonia family dentist Dr. James Stewart shares some information about teething and how you can make your child more comfortable as his or her teeth erupt.

How Do I Know if my Child is Teething?

Teething can start between three and 12 months, but generally occurs around six-months-old. Eruption usually starts with the lower front teeth, followed by the upper front teeth one to two months later.  Swelling and soreness of the gums is common prior to the teeth erupting. Discomfort usually begins about three to five days before the teeth erupt. In an effort to relieve pressure in the gums, many babies will chew on toys or on their hands. They might also lose interest in eating or drinking because their mouths hurt. Some infants drool as their teeth are erupting. This can lead to a skin rash.

Minimize the Discomfort of Teething

Some babies aren’t fussy and don’t appear to be affected at all by teething. Others are noticeably uncomfortable. Here are a few steps you can take to make your child more comfortable during teething.

  • There are several products designed for children to chew on while teething, such as teething rings. Many are filled with water and can be placed in the refrigerator or freezer to give your child something cold and soothing to chew on. Just make sure your child has something safe to put in his or her mouth.
  • Using a clean finger, gently rub your baby’s gums for about two minutes at a time.
  • Give your baby a pain reliever designed for his or her age, such as children’s Tylenol or children’s Advil. (more…)

The Dreaded Cavity

Nothing can take the joy out of your semi-annual dental checkup like learning you have a cavity. From a young age, we’re told to brush our teeth to keep from getting cavities. But what causes cavities? And how can we keep from getting them? Today, our Livonia dentist Dr. James Stewart answers those questions in an effort to help keep you cavity-free.

What Causes a Cavity

Cavities, also called dental caries, are bacterial infections that erode the structures of the teeth, beginning with the hard, protective, outer layer called enamel. The mouth is full of bacteria. Not all of them are harmful, but some of them are, and they stick to the outside of teeth and gums. More and more bacteria gather and form a sticky film of whitish residue called plaque. Plaque is the harbinger of tooth decay. Sugars from the foods and beverages we consume react with the bacteria in plaque to form acids. These acids erode tooth enamel and allow more bacteria to invade the internal structures of the tooth. Left untreated, cavities can cause severe pain and, eventually, tooth loss.

Arm Yourself in the Fight Against Tooth Decay

Preventing cavities begins with not exposing your teeth to certain substances. Sugar is a cavity’s best friend, so don’t let them play together. Avoid sugary foods. Also avoid starchy foods, like potato chips, because the starches are quickly broken down into sugars and have the same detrimental effect on tooth enamel. Soda is the worst offender. Not only are sodas loaded with sugar that eventually turns to acid, they are full of acids that can wreck healthy teeth. Chewing sugar-free gum and drinking water can normalize the pH balance in the mouth and decrease the risk of developing cavities. It’s also important to exercise proper oral hygiene. The following tips can help minimize tooth decay:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day with a toothpaste containing fluoride
  • Floss once a day to remove food and plaque from between teeth
  • Use an antibacterial mouthwash (more…)

What to Expect During a Dental Cleaning in Livonia

It has been reported that 20 to 80 percent of people fear visiting the dentist. With regular dental cleanings and checkups being such an integral part of both oral and overall health, this fear can be detrimental to one’s dental hygiene. To help put those fears at ease, our Livonia dentist Dr. James Stewart would like you to know what to expect during a dental cleaning.

Not Just a Cleaning

A dental exam is more than just a cleaning. Yes, a hygienist will clean and polish your teeth, but the examination is an important step in ensuring your health. Regularly-scheduled checkups allow your dentist to monitor your oral health and catch any potential problems in their infancy. Dr. Stewart will check your mouth for signs of gum disease, tooth decay, and oral cancer.

  • Gum disease is a chronic condition that can lead to gum recession and even tooth loss. If it is treated in its early stage—gingivitis—it can be reversed.
  • Tooth decay occurs when bacteria in your mouth creates acids that erode the hard, protective outer layer of the tooth called enamel. Diagnosing and treating tooth decay can reduce the risk serious complications, such as tooth loss.
  • More than 40,000 Americans will be diagnosed with oral cancer this year. Early detection and treatment greatly improves the chances of successfully treating cancers of the lips, mouth and throat.


The cleaning portion of the exam is important because even the most diligent patient can’t remove all of the plaque and bacteria in his or her mouth with twice-daily brushing and daily flossing. Regular visits to a dental hygienist are needed to keep your teeth free of plaque, which is a sticky film of bacteria that coats teeth, and tartar, which is hardened plaque. A hygienist can also polish away most coffee, tea, and tobacco stains, restoring a beautiful luster to your teeth. (more…)

Treating Bad Breath in Livonia

No one is safe from the occasional bout of bad breath caused by onions or garlic, but what if you have bad breath all the time? Also known as halitosis, foul breath can prevent you from fully enjoying life if you’re constantly worried about offending friends and coworkers every time you open your mouth. Livonia dentist Dr. James Stewart explains the causes of bad breath and the treatments he offers to knock out your offensive breath for good.

What causes bad breath?

Most cases of bad breath are due to a proliferation of bacteria in the mouth. When these bacteria, which naturally cling to the teeth, gums, and tongue, are not regularly cleaned away with good oral hygiene, they grow and produce foul odors. Some oral health problems can make bad breath even worse, including gum disease, tooth decay, and xerostomia (dry mouth). (more…)

Foods to Avoid at Your Fourth of July Picnic

Eating 4th of JulyThe Fourth of July in the US has become synonymous with picnics, barbecues, and pool parties with lots of soda and potato chips. While it’s become an American tradition, the foods popular at Independence Day gatherings can wreak havoc on your teeth. Livonia dentist Dr. James Stewart has some helpful advice about what to avoid at this year’s party.

How Does my Diet Affect my Teeth?

Your mouth responds almost instantly when certain foods or beverages are introduced. Bacteria in your mouth convert the sugars in the foods you eat to acids. Those acids in turn attack the enamel on your teeth, which is the hard protective coating. Every time you eat, you are exposing yourself to acids and increasing your risk of tooth decay, but some foods are worse than others.

Worst Foods for Fourth of July

  • Sodas and other carbonated beverages–Soda is terrible for teeth. Sodas are loaded with sugar and form a perfect storm when mixed with the acids in carbonation. While diet sodas don’t contain the massive amounts of sugar found in regular sodas, the acids in the carbonation still eat enamel.
  • Starchy foods–You might want to forego the potato salad this year. While potatoes, pasta, and potato chips don’t necessarily taste sweet, the starches in these popular summertime foods are rapidly converted into sugars by saliva and bacteria in the mouth.
  • Ice—It’s hot, we know. But even though it might be tempting to chew on the ice after finishing your glass of water—because you wouldn’t be drinking soda or carbonated beverages after we cautioned against it, would you?—chewing ice is like playing with fire. Really cold fire. Our teeth are strong, but they’re not designed to chew substances as hard as ice. Chewing ice can cause tiny cracks in the teeth that can lead to problems later. (more…)

Oral Cancer Causes and Symptoms

Every year, more than 21,000 men and 9,000 women are diagnosed with oral cancer. If found early, oral cancer has a nearly 90 percent cure rate, but by the time the disease is found, often it has already spread to the neck and throat. One in four people will die of oral cancer due to late diagnosis and treatment. Livonia dentist Dr. James R. Stewart Jr. wants you to know the symptoms of oral cancer and some of the risk factors for developing the disease.

Oral cancer most commonly develops on the lips and tongue, but the disease can also found on the cheek lining, floor of the mouth, gums, and roof of the mouth. Oral cancers are squamous cell carcinomas and typically spread quickly. Some forms start as a visible white or red patch called leukoplakia. (more…)

Livonia Dentist Offers Oral Health Trivia Quiz

Patient education is an important part of our dental practice philosophy. We believe that informed patients make wiser and healthier decisions than uniformed patients. Because we place such a high priority on patient education, Dr. James Stewart, your Livonia cosmetic and family dentist, offers a short oral health quiz to test your knowledge about dentistry. Feel free to take our quiz to see if you’re an oral health and dental genius.

Oral Health Quiz for Novi, Plymouth, and Dearborn Residents

Q1. What makes up teeth?

  • Bone
  • Minerals
  • Layers of tissues and minerals

Q2. What is tooth enamel?

  • A protective barrier that coats the outside of teeth.
  • The interior structure of teeth where the nerve endings are housed
  • None of the above

Q3. What is the main cause of tooth loss in adulthood?

Q4. What are dental implants?

  • Permanent tooth replacements
  • Dental restorations
  • Metal crowns

Q5. What is tartar?

Common Dental Concerns for Seniors in Livonia

While tooth decay and gum disease are worldwide concerns that affect people of all ages, some dental conditions are more likely to occur as we age. Gum recession, gum disease, and jawbone degeneration are common oral conditions associated with maturity. Let’s look at these senior dental care issues one at a time.

Gum Recession

Periodontal tissue (or gum tissue), combined with bone, provide support for teeth. Years of vigorous teeth brushing, smoking, or gum disease can cause gums to recede from teeth. Gum recession is more common in people over 40 years of age. The crowns of our teeth are covered with enamel, the hardest tissue in the body. The roots of teeth, however, are not coated with enamel. Receding gums can expose teeth roots and cause sensitivity to temperature and pressure. (more…)

Livonia Dentist and Team Attended Advanced Sleep Medicine Training

Dr. Stewart and team in Columbus, Ohio.

Livonia dentist, Dr. James Stewart, recently attended a course in Advanced Sleep Medicine Training with his dental team. This course, held in Columbus, Ohio provides comprehensive training in serving patients with sleep apnea. In addition to providing excellent general and cosmetic dentistry, Dr. Stewart and our team are proud to serve and treat patients with sleep apnea.

Lisa, Claudia, Windy, and Dr. Stewart attended this course in April so that we can better serve our patients with advanced training. After completing the course, Windy, our dental assistant, is now our Sleep Patient Coordinator. Our team is committed to giving our patient’s the treatment they need and deserve for sleep apnea while also improving our patients’ quality of life.

Treating Sleep Apnea in Livonia and Farmington Hills

Working closely with a team of trusted physicians and sleep laboratories, Dr. Stewart offers comfortable and effective solutions for patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea and chronic snoring. Depending on your particular needs, Dr. Stewart may prescribe a comfortable oral appliance that will properly position your lower jaw while you sleep. Oral appliances help keep air passageways open while you rest. Some patients may need a CPAP mask that releases a stream of air into the mouth which prevents soft oral tissues from collapsing and blocking airways. In some cases, Dr. Stewart may recommend a combination of both types of sleep apnea treatments. (more…)

Treating Gum Disease in Livonia

Dr. James Stewart is passionate about helping patients keep their natural teeth for life. Preventing or promptly treating tooth decay is one way to ensure good oral health, but did you know that the structures that support your teeth need just as much attention?  Gum disease, also called periodontitis or periodontal disease, is the number one cause of adult tooth loss in the US, and your Livonia general dentist can help you avoid becoming part of this grim statistic.

What causes gum disease?

Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that constantly forms on your teeth. Regular brushing and flossing can remove this substance before it causes harm to the teeth and gums. However, patients who do not clean their teeth frequently or thoroughly enough leave plaque behind, which eventually hardens into a substance called tartar. Once this hard calculus forms, it cannot be removed with a toothbrush. Tartar along the gum line irritates the gum tissue, causing its connection to the teeth to loosen. When this happens, periodontal pockets form, and these spaces collect oral bacteria that irritate and inflame the gums. If periodontal disease goes untreated, the gums and underlying bone tissue will break down, causing teeth to loosen and fall out. (more…)