5 Important Preventive Treatments

stewart-fluoridePreventive dentistry involves treatment designed to help you avoid the onset of common problems, addressing them before they begin. We offer a number of seemingly minor treatments that are designed to strengthen your smile against the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Patients of all ages, from children to adults, can benefit from preventive treatment.


Can I Use an Oral Appliance with CPAP?

can i use an oral appliance with cpapObstructive sleep apnea – a condition marked by loud snoring and repeated cessation of breathing while you sleep – can be treated in several different ways. The most common treatments are with a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine and a custom-designed oral appliance from a dental health specialist. While each treatment offers a number of advantages for different patients, your dentist may recommend combining CPAP and an oral appliance for optimal results. (more…)