What Can My Child Expect from Orthotropic Treatment?

Not every child experiences issues with their oral and facial development, but for those that do, orthotropic treatment is often the most effective and comprehensive way to address it. Orthotropics is the study and treatment of conditions that affect the proper growth and development of these structures, and treatment involves the use of various aligners and appliances designed specifically for your child. At our Livonia, MI, dental office, we can help your child avoid the potential consequences of improper oral and facial growth, and we’ll take time to help you and your child understand what to expect from orthotropic treatment.

What an orthotropic evaluation means

There are many different signs and symptoms that could potentially indicate your child has an oral and facial development issue. During an evaluation, we’ll ask about quality of life instances such as difficulty with breathing, especially while asleep, chronic headaches, teeth-grinding, and symptoms of inadequate sleep (such as bed wetting, daytime exhaustion, behavioral issues, and more). If your child exhibits these or other signs, then we’ll perform a comprehensive evaluation of your child’s oral and facial structures to diagnose the full nature and extent of your child’s condition.

Customizing your child’s orthotropic treatment

Once we’ve pinpointed the nature of your child’s oral and facial development issue, we can customize your child’s orthotropic treatment using the appropriate appliance(s). The goal of your child’s treatment will be to guide the teeth, jawbone, oral, nasal, and facial structures in proper, proportionate development. This may include expanding and lowering the palate to make room for this development, as well as to ensure the growth of a clear airway and fully functioning bite. The specific appliance used and its ultimate goal will depend on your child’s specific, unique needs.

The benefits that come with orthotropics

By helping your child’s oral and facial structures develop correctly, orthotropics provides several important benefits to their immediate and long-term oral health and quality of life. For example, orthotropics helps promote straighter and more symmetrical tooth alignment, among other things, which reduces your child’s risk of needing orthodontic braces or experiencing TMJ disorder later in life. Also, orthotropics helps ensure that your child’s airway develops properly, lowering the risks of obstructive sleep apnea becoming a factor in their overall health.

Learn more about orthotropics for your child

If your child is a good candidate for orthotropic treatment, we’ll take time to walk you through the treatment process so you and your child know exactly what to expect. For more information, schedule a consultation by calling the office of James Stewart, DDS in Livonia, MI, today at (734) 425-4400.