Category: Preventive Dentistry

Fighting Halloween-Related Tooth Decay

livonia halloween cavities

We know your kids are excited to go trick or treating on Halloween, and we hope they have a great time! But we also know that an increase in sugar in their diets means a higher risk of tooth decay. Which is why your Livonia, MI, dentist is offering a few tips for avoiding the… Read more »

Providing Relief For Your TMJ Headaches

livonia tmj headaches

When you have frequent headaches and migraines, this could be related to the balance of your smile. Strain on your jaw joints could lead to TMJ disorder, or TMD, with it, and increased risk of discomfort. In today’s blog, your Livonia, MI, dentist looks at how we stop TMJ headaches with a custom oral appliance.

How Dental Checkups Protect Your Family’s Smiles

A dental checkup is recommended every six months for patients of all ages, starting at around age two. But what happens during your dental exam, and what makes a checkup so essential for all patients? In today’s blog, your Livonia, MI, dentist talks about how we safeguard smiles with our dental checkups.

Managing Gum Disease With A Deep Cleaning

livonia deep cleaning

When you begin to exhibit the warning signs of periodontal disease, you may need treatment to keep it managed. Doing so helps you avoid issues like periodontitis, an advanced stage of the disease linked to adult tooth loss. In today’s blog, your Livonia, MI, dentist talks about our deep cleaning procedure and how this helps… Read more »

Managing Gum Disease With A Deep Cleaning

Periodontal disease is a widespread concern that impacts half of adults ages 30 and older, and could lead to tooth loss in advanced cases! But our team can help manage the disease to protect smile stability. In today’s blog, your Livonia, MI, dentist talks about our scaling and root planing procedure, also known as a… Read more »

An Enduring Smile Through Prevention

Glasses Livonia MI

The regular examination and cleaning of your mouth is necessary for a smile that stays healthy as you age. Even with immaculate home dental hygiene, you should be seeing the dentist every six months for a checkup. If it has been longer, do not allow your oral health maintenance to slip as these appointments bring… Read more »

Your Examination Can Be A Consultation

Shades Livonia MI

Your routinely scheduled checkup at the dental office provides many benefits. Perhaps you only think of your visit as a way of looking at the development of your smile. While the visual examination is a crucial part of this meeting, there are a host of ways that your checkup serves to benefit your smile year-round…. Read more »

Sensitivity In The Cold? You’re Not Alone

Pain Livonia MI

Many patients report that they see a wave of dental discomfort when the weather begins to finally turn cold. Here in Michigan, we certainly know how it can seem to hit you right down to your bones. If you are beginning to notice some sensitivity in your smile when you breathe in cold air, it… Read more »

Why Only Clean Certain Sides Of Your Teeth?

Floss Livonia MI

Every time you see an oral health professional, you are surely reminded to keep to a strict oral health regimen. This certainly includes twice-daily brushing and an oral rinse. But also comes the one that patients dread the most: flossing. Maybe it’s the time, or any pain with flossing gums that have not been cared… Read more »

Why Haven’t We Evolved Beyond Wisdom Teeth?

wisdom teeth livonia mi

They almost seem like a rite of passage, a sign of adulthood. When you get wisdom teeth coming in, it can be exciting, and it can be worrisome. It always seems like there are issues with them. They don’t appear to do too much good even when they are healthy. So why do we have… Read more »