Happy Valentine’s Day from Your Livonia Dental Team!

Happy Valentine’s Day! On this romantic holiday, Livonia comprehensive care dentist Dr. James Stewart wants you to think about your smile and dental health. After all, think about how many smiles you’ll flash, how many kisses you’ll give, and how many times you’ll say “I love you” today. It’s all about your mouth, so Dr. Stewart has a few Valentine’s Day smile tips for you.

Chocolate and Your Smile

In addition to love, Valentine’s Day is all about sweet treats, but that doesn’t mean that you have to neglect your dental health to celebrate. Instead of indulging in sugary conversation hearts and other senseless sweets, stick to chocolate. Although you shouldn’t eat it in excess, recent research shows that chocolate may help prevent tooth decay. In addition to positively impacting brain function, cardiovascular health, diabetes control, the immune system, and other areas of bodily health, chocolate causes less tooth decay than other sweets. (more…)

Tips for Choosing Your Michigan Dentist, Part 2

On Tuesday, we introduced a few tips for choosing the perfect dentist for you and your family. Today, Michigan cosmetic, restorative, general, and sleep dentist Dr. James Stewart wants to give you a few more tips for finding your new dental home.

More Tips for Choosing the Perfect Dentist for You

  1. Once you’re in the dental chair, keep track of how long it takes for the dentist to come into the room. Hygienists and other members of the dental team are highly important to maintaining your oral health, as well as maintaining a pleasant atmosphere, but you chose the practice based on the dentist’s credentials. You should receive the best care and the most expertise for your money.
  2. This is one of the rare times when it’s okay to judge someone before really getting to know him or her. Ask your potential dentist questions about his or her training, experience, continued education, and more. If his or her answers aren’t to your liking, find another dentist. (more…)

Tips for Choosing Your Michigan Dentist

When it comes to comprehensive dental care, Michigan dentist Dr. James Stewart provides dental services for a variety of patients with a variety of dental needs. He understands that everyone’s dental needs are different, and he also understands that choosing a dentist for you and your family is a big decision that requires a lot of research and a big leap of faith. Read on to find out Dr. Stewart’s top 10 tips for choosing a dentist.

Choosing the Perfect Dentist for You

  1. When you’re looking for a new dentist, you want to find someone that you can trust with your most valuable physical asset—your smile. Who better to ask than your most trusted friends, family members, and coworkers? To find a quality dentist in your area, first ask the people you see on a daily basis for recommendations.
  2. Use your resources, specifically the Internet, to find dentists in your area. Simply type your location into Google or another search engine, add the word “dentist,” and watch the results roll in. The thing to remember about using the Internet to find a dentist is that the dentist that comes up first may have spent the most money on building a web presence, but may not be the right dentist for you. To find out if a dentist is truly reputable, take a look at the patient reviews or testimonials on his or her website as well as on review sites like Yelp.com and the doctor’s Google Places page. (more…)

Sleep Better During the Winter Months

Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning, which means it’s time for you to gear up for another six weeks of winter here in blustery Livonia, Michigan. For people with healthy sleeping habits, cozying up during the winter months may seem like second nature. In fact, many people report getting their best sleep during the cold months of the year. If you suffer from a sleeping disorder, however, it’s likely you’re not getting the sleep you need, and sleep dentist Dr. James Stewart wants to help.

Tips for Better Cold-Weather Sleep

Falling asleep under a pile of warm blankets and flannel pajamas while snow quietly falls outside the window may sound like a winter dream for heavy sleepers, but, for people who don’t have healthy sleep habits, being cozy won’t necessarily help them get the sleep they need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Instead of lying awake all night and watching the snow fall, follow a few of these tips for better sleeping:

  • Go to bed if you’re tired, but don’t stay in bed if you can’t fall asleep. Few things are more frustrating than feeling sleepy, going through your bedtime routine, climbing into bed, and then being unable to fall asleep. When you lay in bed for hours waiting for sleep to come to you, you give your mind a chance to wander, which often brings up feelings of stress and worry about a growing to-do list, what the next day will bring, and more—none of which will help you relax enough to fall asleep. If you can’t fall asleep after 20 or 30 minutes of laying in bed, get up and do something that usually makes you tired, but does not stimulate your mind too much, such as reading a simple book or listening to soft music. It’s best to keep the lights low and avoid the television, computer, or cell phone. (more…)

Total Dental Reconstruction from Your Livonia Dentist

Michigan general, restorative, cosmetic, and sleep dentist Dr. James Stewart recently received the following letter from a former patient.

“Dr. Dr Stewart,

Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to speak with me, helping me with my dental concerns. Although I’ve been away from the Detroit Metro area for 5 years, it’s comforting to know that I can always depend on my wonderful Dr. Stewart for guidance in my dental needs…

All dentists agree that YOUR work on me (total restoration) is, by far, the best they have ever seen! My teeth are absolutely beautiful and I’m so proud of my lovely smile—thanks to MY Dr. Stewart.

With gratitude and appreciation,

Patricia Wilson” (more…)

How Much Sleep Do You Need?

Everyone needs sleep to rejuvenate their brain and body and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Depending on several factors, however, how much sleep you need to be fully rested can greatly differ from how much sleep somebody else needs. Livonia sleep dentist Dr. James Stewart wants you to know how your age and gender effect how much sleep you need so that you can be bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, and wide awake during the day and the get the good night’s sleep you need at night.

Age and Developmental Stage

It’s obvious that our sleep needs and patterns change throughout our lives. Additionally, sleep needs vary from person to person within the same age group, often of a result of stress, sickness, weight, lifestyle, and other factors.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, these are the general sleep needs for people of all ages during a 24-hour time period:

  • Infants (younger than 11 months) need 14-15 hours
  • Toddlers need 12-14 hours
  • Preschool-age children need 11-13 hours
  • Children (ages 5 to 11) need 10-11 hours (more…)

Comprehensive Dental Care From Your Livonia Dentist

Can you believe that, thanks to teeth whitening and porcelain dental crowns, these teeth…

…were transformed into these teeth?

And that, thanks to porcelain crowns and a partial denture, these teeth…

…became these teeth?

The above photos are just two examples of the smile makeovers completed by Livonia comprehensive care dentist Dr. James Stewart. Offering general, preventive, restorative, and cosmetic dental care to his patients of all ages, Dr. Stewart and our dental care team have seen patients overcome severe oral health problems, achieve healthy teeth and gums, maintain healthy smiles, and eat, speak, and smile with renewed confidence, comfort, and ease. As a comprehensive care dentist, Dr. Stewart has the expertise and experience needed to treat patients of all ages with a variety of dental needs, but how exactly does he do this? (more…)

Which Medical Problem is Causing Your Oral Problem?

At your appointment with Dr. Stewart, we will take a full medical health assessment to determine if any of your health conditions could be affecting your mouth. How much do you know about your oral systemic health? See if you can match up which health problems and oral problems are related.

Health Problem:                    Dental Symptom:
1. Headaches                                 a. Advanced periodontal disease
2. Pregnancy                                 b. Mouth sores
3. Cancer                                        c. Dry mouth
4. Loose teeth                               d. Enamel erosion
5. Heart attack                              e. TMJ
6. Medications                              f. Inflammation
7. Acid Reflux                               g. Swollen gums


Mouthwash Campaign Promotes Important Oral Rinsing

You know you have to brush and floss daily to keep your mouth healthy, but one part of oral hygiene often gets overlooked: mouthwash. Mouthwash brand Listerine and superstar Kristin Chenoweth have teamed up to promote the importance of oral hygiene.

Your Mouth Has Something to Say

Listerine’s campaign, “Your Mouth Has Something to Say,” was designed to spread awareness for America’s Toothfairy, a national nonprofit foundation that focuses on pediatric dental disease and childhood oral health. Tooth decay is the number two most widespread childhood illness, coming in second to the common cold. The organization promotes that pediatric dental disease is preventable and treatable by following proper oral health care.

The campaign is derived from a study by Listerine Whitening that found that almost half of Americans are ashamed of their smiles and 43 percent of people don’t smile in photos because they have stained teeth.

The makers of Listerine are contributing $100,000 to America’s Toothfairy and an additional dollar each time the video is viewed. Chenoweth is the campaign spokesperson and her voice helps narrate and promote the video trailers. She is very excited to work with Listerine to “celebrate our smiles and help children get the healthy smiles they deserve.”


Drooling On Your Dentist

Your mouth may water while thinking about a delicious meal or possibly while watching your celebrity crush on the big screen. When your saliva begins to drip out of your mouth, it’s called drooling. Many people are embarrassed when they drool, but one place you shouldn’t be ashamed of drooling is at Dr. Stewart’s dentist office.

Why Do I Drool?

When your mouth produces more saliva than you can swallow, it flows out of your mouth. Dental procedures require you to frequently open and close your mouth, which stimulates your salivary glands. The treatments and dental tools in your mouth may prevent you from swallowing normally. With your mouth open, the saliva will overflow and start to drip out.

But don’t worry—Dr. Stewart sees slobber all the time. In fact, it’s more of a problem if you don’t produce saliva, because that could be a sign of dry mouth. Saliva is necessary to keep your mouth clean and moist.
