Dental Implants Refresher Course

dentalimplantpartsPatients seeking tooth replacement solutions often find themselves overjoyed when they learn about the benefits of dental implants. You may recognize that implants offer exceptional stability, particularly when they come up against other prosthetics like dental bridges or dentures. However, do you know what makes implants so stable? Do you know what to expect if you choose to replace your teeth with implants? To make sure you feel fully informed before making a final decision, we encourage you to glance through the following refresher course:

What Is An Implant?

A dental implant is a titanium post that we will surgically place into your jawbone. The post will fuse to your bone tissue over the course of approximately three to four months. Once healed, the post restores your missing roots.

Does An Implant Replace My Tooth?

The implant replaces your roots but does not replace the visible part of your tooth that sits above your gumline. Your dental implant will, however, support an artificial tooth (also called a dental prosthetic or restoration). This works through the following method:

  • We will attach an abutment to your implant, which is an accessory that connects a restoration to your implant
  • We will then “restore” your implant by placing a restoration over your abutment – implants may support dental crowns, complete dentures, or partial dentures

Why Is Replacing My Roots Important?

First, a visible tooth that sits atop roots will offer you exceptional stability because it receives support from your jawbone. This means you will be able to chew with great success and comfort. You will also be able to speak clearly again without worrying about your prosthetic moving or slipping. Replacing your roots also prevents your teeth from shifting into the open space. And, of course, your roots provide your jawbone with stimulation that signals it to remain healthy and strong. Implants revive this stimulation process to prevent jawbone deterioration.


James Steward, DDS, and our compassionate staff proudly serve patients of all ages from Livonia, Farmington Hills, Plymouth, Northville, Dearborn Heights, Garden City, and all surrounding communities. To schedule a consultation, call our office today at (734) 425-4400.