Tag: snoring livonia

The Inverse Relationship Between Snoring & Sleep

In mathematics, an inverse relationship describes a situation where one variable increase as the other decreases. Snoring and sleep share a similar relationship; the more you snore, the less likely you and your partner will sleep soundly through the night. The sound can keep your partner awake, and snoring may indicate a disorder that deprives… Read more »

Livonia Dentist Reports Health Issues Linked to OSA

Do you have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and have yet to receive treatment? Then this article is meant for you. Dr. James Stewart, your Livonia dentist, explains the health risks associated with untreated cases of OSA. Untreated Cases of OSA Could Lead to Following Heart disease. Those who suffer with OSA lose valuable sleep each… Read more »

Helpful Exercises for Snoring Cessation from Your Livonia Dentist

If someone in your family snores, then you’re probably seeking snoring cessation tricks. Snoring is a side effect of weak throat tissues. To strengthen those muscles, your Livonia dentist, Dr. James Stewart, suggests some snoring cessation exercises to reduce nighttime snoring. These Tips Can Improve Your Snoring Symptoms Purse your lips. Though pursing your lips… Read more »

Kiddo Snoring? Your Livonia Dentist Explains Possible Causes

Children can have some strange nighttime tendencies. Some sleepwalk and others talk in their sleep; yet, what most children don’t do is snore in their sleep. A child who snores loudly every night is probably suffering from a larger issue. While snoring may not seem like a problem, the lack of oxygen each night may… Read more »

Surprising Foods that Can Ease Snoring with Your Livonia Dentist

The main culprit in snoring is inflammation and congestion in your nasal passages and throat. Swelling in your throat tissues paired with mucous build-up make it nearly impossible to breathe at night. This swelling creates overcrowding, and allows the tissues in your throat to vibrate. Snoring treatments range from Breathe-Right strips to surgical options to… Read more »