Category: Preventive Dentistry

New Enzyme Inhibitor May Help Reduce Effects of Gum Disease

A researcher from the University of Louisiana School of Dentistry has developed a method of inhibiting the enzyme that facilitates inflammation and subsequent bone loss. Your Livonia dentist, Dr. James Stewart, explains how the research published in the journal Molecular Medicine might change the way periodontitis is treated in the future.

Your Livonia Dentist Offers Dental Advice to Expectant Mothers

Among the dizzying array of changes your body goes through during pregnancy, there are a few that could seriously affect your oral health, and in turn, the well-being of your baby. Nearly everyone knows that proper nutrition is crucial to aiding the healthy development of your little one, but how often do you think about… Read more »

Livonia Dentist Explains How Tooth Decay Forms

What Causes Cavities? Cavities begin with one particular species of bacteria, called S. mutans. These spiral-shaped pathogens metabolize sugar when it is introduced into the mouth from eating sweets or fermentable carbohydrates like white bread. Acid formation is the result of the combination of S. mutans and sugar. This acid attacks tooth enamel, wearing away… Read more »