Q) What is sleep apnea?
A) Sleep apnea is a disorder that causes sufferers to experience snoring, along with pauses in their breathing during sleep, sometimes up to 100 such pauses during the night. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) – a form of the condition in which excess fat issue narrows the inside of the airway – is prevalent in the obese. Although OSA can occur in non-obese individuals, this discussion focuses on obese patients. Not all women gain significant weight during pregnancy, but many do. For these women, OSA may be an issue.
Q) Isn’t sleep apnea more prevalent in men than in women?
A) In previous studies of sleep apnea, eight or nine men were diagnosed with OSA for each woman with the condition. Recent studies indicate a substantial shift in that thinking, however. The actual ratio is closer to two to three men with OSA for each woman with the condition.