How Do You Place Tooth-Colored Fillings?

Cavities are a common oral health concern. In fact, only between one and two percent of the population are immune to dental caries. In order to treat the problem, we can now place a restoration that looks completely natural. Do you have questions about placing tooth-colored fillings?

Frequently Asked Questions About Tooth-Colored Fillings

Question: How do I know if I have a cavity?

Answer: Often, the common warning signs of a cavity include tooth sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, as well as a toothache that doesn’t fade after 48 hours. If you experience discomfort, then contact your dentist. The doctor can examine your tooth and see if you need treatment.

Question: What technology do you use to pinpoint decay?

Answer: We can employ DIAGNOdent laser dentistry to uncover areas of decay, even in the earliest stages. We can then discuss whether you require treatment or preventive care to protect the weakened areas from worsening.

Question: What does placing a filling involve?

Answer: First, we must remove any decay in the tooth. We may then gently etch the tooth to allow the filling material to better adhere to the surface while curing. We use a metal-free composite resin, which looks natural and blends with the tooth structure. The entire procedure takes just one visit.

Question: What can I do to avoid future cases of decay?

Answer: First, cut back on drinks and foods high in sugar and other starches. We also recommend brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing every night before bed. Finally, always make time to see your dentist every six months for a dental cleaning. If you have any questions or concerns about tooth-colored fillings and cavity prevention, then contact our office today.