Will A Bridge Improve My Smile?

When you lose one or more teeth, then you need to seek out a prosthetic. Otherwise, serious complications could eventually develop, from trouble eating a variety of foods to an aged appearance due to facial collapse. Will a bridge improve your smile?

Frequently Asked Questions About Bridges

Question: How do they work?

Answer: A bridge literally bridges the gap between missing teeth in your smile. We can use them to replace between one and three missing teeth in a row. The prosthetic contains your new teeth, but with crowns on either end. The crowns are placed on the natural teeth that sit on either side of the gap in your smile. Once placed, they anchor the new teeth in place.

Question: Can they be placed with implants?

Answer: Yes. Instead of using crowns, we can also use dental implants to secure them. The implants are inserted directly into the jawbone, acting as new tooth roots. We can then attach the prosthetic to these posts. Benefits of implant-retained bridges include longer lasting tooth replacement (potentially a lifetime!), and jawbone stimulation, which prevents the jaw from changing the shape and prevents you from requiring a new bridge every 10 to 15 years.

Question: Do they look natural?

Answer: Yes. We use lifelike materials and each prosthetic is custom-made based on impressions gathered of your smile. We want your new teeth to blend seamlessly with your smile.

Question: How do I prevent tooth loss?

Answer: You can take steps to protect your smile from further tooth loss. First, always take care of your smile, which means brushing and flossing daily, without exception. You should also be seeing your dentist every six months for a checkup and cleaning. These simple preventive techniques can help you maintain a whole and healthy smile.