Tag: gum disease livonia

What to Do if You’ve Been Told You Have Gum Disease

Your reaction to learning that you have gum disease would depend largely on how much you know about the condition. If all you’ve heard is what’s mentioned frequently in mouthrinse commercials, you might just think it’s time to start using mouthrinse. If Dr. Stewart diagnoses your condition, then you’ll know that gum disease warrants more… Read more »

A Closer Look at Gum Disease and Its Treatment

Many people think of gingivitis (the inflammation of the gums) when they hear about gum disease. Unfortunately, gingivitis may only be the tip of the iceberg if gum disease is allowed to develop. You see, gingivitis has a habit of lingering in the body, allowing it to progress into a more damaging form of gum… Read more »

Livonia Dentist: Factors that Increase Gum Disease Risk

Did you know that gum disease doesn’t always develop from poor oral hygiene? Granted, a lack of proper dental care is one of the leading reasons for gum disease development, yet a number of alternative factors also increase your risk of the oral ailment. To teach his patients about the other causes of gum disease,… Read more »

Deadly Tooth Decay?

When was the last time you had a cavity?  Many people today—adults in particular—cannot distinctly recall  the last time they had one. Fortunately, resources for taking care of our teeth are better than ever… Many water supplies have adequate fluoride to strengthen teeth against decay. New technology and materials have improved toothbrushes, floss, and other… Read more »

Staying in Check as a Health-Conscious Senior

People over 50 are advised to monitor their blood pressure and get their cholesterol checked. They’re told that screenings for cancer, diabetes, bone density, skin health, and, of course, sight and hearing are important. As a dentist to many Baby Boomers, I want to tell you, oral health screenings are just as important as we age. Here’s why…

Dr. Stewart Keeps Smiles Strong, Bodies Healthy with Comprehensive Gum Disease Therapy

The American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) recently reported that approximately 3 out of 4 Americans suffer from gum (periodontal) disease. That’s an astounding statistic and one that Dr. Stewart wants to change! He offers personalized periodontal treatments to keep gum disease at bay and eliminate damage to oral and overall health. What is gum disease?… Read more »