You know that you’re supposed to be doing something to protect your TMJ (temporomandibular jaw joint) health, when it turns out your jaw joints are at risk of damage. However, if you aren’t very familiar (or at all familiar) with this part of your anatomy, then you may not have a very easy time connecting the dots. What’s going on, what are the potential consequences, and what are you supposed to be doing, you may wonder to yourself? Of course, our Livonia, MI team can take your questions on and provide you with a quick, streamlined explanation in terms of what you may need to do (and why) to keep the entirety of your oral health on track!
Your TMJs Let You Move Your Mouth
Patients are often unsure about their TMJs because they have never heard this abbreviation before and are simply missing a bit of education. Let’s break it all down very quickly for you: Your TMJ is your temporomandibular joint. Or, it’s your jaw joint, in simpler terms. You have one on one side of your head and one on the other. When you open and close your mouth, this is because your joints allow you to move your jaw. You can move it up and down, from one side to the other, etc. So, you really want to keep these joints safe!
Your TMJs Act As Shock Absorbers
When you talk with us about your TMJs during your dental checkups, we can very easily explain to you how they work and why it’s important to protect them. One detail we will mention is the fact that by design, they tend to absorb lots of shock and pressure on a daily basis. When you chew, bite down, etc., the force is redirected back toward your jaw joints! If you’re taking smaller, easy to chew bites, and you’re not eating anything very hard or chewy, you’re not aggravating your jaw joints by overworking them.
Lots Of Motion Or Force? Not Good For TMJs!
Let’s say you do overwork your TMJs. Remember, this is absolutely a possibility and, unfortunately, it can lead to a problem we call TMJ disorder (or TMD). Or, it can make an already existent problem worse. It’s when joints become damaged, strained, tired, etc. You definitely don’t want this! So, give your joints a break with smart choices.
We Offer Protection For Your Jaw Joints!
We remind you that we offer TMJ disorder treatment. So, see us sooner than later for important protection!
See Us For Complete TMJ Protection
Let us know when you experience any changes with your jaw joints! Come in for your routine checkups, as well, and remember to ask questions and follow through with TMJ treatment, should you require it. James Stewart, DDS, and our team serve patients from Livonia, MI and the surrounding communities. To schedule a consultation, call our office today at (734) 425-4400.