Brightening Teeth With Professional Teeth Whitening

livonia teeth whitening

Our team wants to help you smile without hesitation, which is why we offer professional systems to remove teeth stains, often brightening teeth by several layers. Our team offers both in-office and at-home teeth whitening, and your Livonia, MI, dentist explains how these options brighten smiles, often in one visit!

The Factors Behind Your Teeth Stains

First, let’s look at how teeth stains form. For many, these are the result of plaque buildup, which occurs when harmful bacteria consume food and drink particles, creating a sticky lawyer that makes stains more visible. If we consume items high in sugar and starch, this can promote plaque, and poor brushing and flossing habits can as well. Consuming beverages with dark pigments can stain your smile too, such as soda, red wine, coffee, and tea. Understanding the cause of discoloration means you can take actions to help your new results last even longer!

In-Office Teeth Whitening

Since this procedure only takes one visit to complete, this is great if you need fast results before a job interview, big event, graduation, or first date. The process takes an hour or two at most. Our team will place a protective covering on your lips and gums, and then add a powerful bleaching gel to the surfaces of your teeth. We activate the bleaching ingredients in the gel with a light, and this begins to break up stains. We could repeat the process several times as needed to ensure optimal results. You then leave our office with a much brighter smile!

Take-Home Trays and Gel

Our take-home system can tackle more severe stains and brighten smiles by as many as eight shades. To begin, you will stop by the office so we can take impressions of your bite and create a custom set of plastic trays. You then return home with these custom trays, along with multiple plastic syringes of bleaching gel. At home, you add gel to the trays and wear them for a set amount of time, usually somewhere between 30 to 45 minutes. The trays ensure even results across your smile and prevent any dilution by saliva. You repeat the process for about one to two weeks, and your teeth will be much brighter. You then keep any leftover gel and the trays for touch-ups in the months to come.

If you have any questions about how we brighten smiles with professional teeth whitening, then contact our team today.


Our team wants to help you smile with confidence and enjoy results that shine. To find out more about our cosmetic treatment options or to schedule your little one’s next appointment, then give us a call at our office in Livonia, MI at (734)425-4400.