You know that when you see our team for TMJ treatment that it is going to help you lessen the effects of TMJ disorder and, hopefully, eliminate the symptoms. It will also guide you toward a smile that’s headed for excellent health, rather than one headed for jaw joints that may become significantly damaged due to long-term stress. As for the details of what our treatment will actually help you say goodbye to? Well, let’s talk about a few very frustrating and uncomfortable symptoms that will subside.
#1: Headaches
If you are faced with headaches more often than not and you can’t really figure out where they’re coming from, your TMJ disorder may be to blame. The unfortunate aspect of this detail is that you’re making your way through daily life in discomfort. The positive, of course, is that we can help you limit or eliminate your headaches associated with your jaw joints by providing TMJ treatment. Let us know if this sounds like you.
#2: Funny Jaw Noises
They might be funny at first but you probably don’t think the noises emanating from your jaw joints are that funny if they keep happening. They can sound or feel like a long list of things, such as grinding, popping, snapping, crackling, etc. Fortunately, when we give your jaw joints time to rest and repair with TMJ treatment, you can often expect this annoying symptom to dissipate.
#3: Localized Discomfort
In addition to pain that’s widespread, you may also simply have pain at the site of the problem: In your TMJs and surrounding them. When TMJ treatment is part of your daily life, the aggravation is reduced and the discomfort goes away with it.
When TMJ Is Your Problem, We Have Your Solution
See our team for TMJ treatment as soon as possible, so you can get back to a life free of the frustrating symptoms. James Stewart, DDS, and our team serve patients from Livonia, MI, as well as Farmington Hills, Farmington, Plymouth, Northville, Novi, Dearborn Heights, Dearborn, Garden City, Westland, Redford, and the surrounding communities. To schedule a consultation, call our office today at (734) 425-4400.