5 Smart Habits For Healthy Smiles In 2017

stewart-2017A new year is here and with it, a new chance to take your oral health seriously! With a few simple changes to your routine you can protect your teeth and gums from serious complications, including cavities and gingivitis. There are several habits you make to keep your smile healthy in 2017.

Habits for Healthier Smiles in 2017

  1. Brush Your Teeth for Two Minutes: How quickly do you brush your teeth? To truly remove plaque and food particles properly, you need to brush for at least two minutes twice a day, once in the morning and again before going to bed. You can start timing yourself or even download helpful apps to make sure you’re not stopping too soon.
  2. Always Floss: Even more important than brushing is flossing. When you floss, you remove the bits of food stuck between teeth that a toothbrush’s bristles can’t reach. When you floss, you help protect your smile from tooth decay, gingivitis, and bad breath.
  3. Cut Back on Soda: When you drink soda, you coat your teeth in harmful sugars that can lead to decay. In addition, energy drinks and sports drinks also pose a risk for your smile. Instead, we recommend drinking water.
  4. Eat Healthier Snacks: Instead of relying on sugary snacks, which can lead to a higher risk of cavities and plaque buildup, which can inflame gum tissue, choose healthier options. Cheese, yogurt, nuts, vegetables, and fruits all make healthy and delicious snack alternatives. Rough vegetables and fruits, such as broccoli, apples, and carrots, can also help scrub plaque from the surface of the teeth as you eat them.
  5. Always See Your Dentist Every Six Months: You should schedule an appointment with your dentist once every six months for a checkup and cleaning. These routine visits help protect your smile from serious complications and allow the doctor to pinpoint and address potential problem areas before they can progress.