3 Facts About Implants And Jaw Health

dentalimplantpinkWhen you begin learning about all of the exciting benefits of dental implants, you may focus heavily on what your new smile will look like and feel like. What you may overlook is the important connection between your jaw health and the implants. By learning more about this topic, you will come to further understand concerns like candidacy and the long-term effects of implant placement. Fortunately, the more you know, the easier it will be to press forward on your journey toward restoring the completion and health of your smile.

Fact #1: You Need A Healthy Jaw For Placement

If you want dental implants – even one – you will need healthy jaw tissue. Here’s why: We surgically insert the implant into your jawbone. If the jaw tissue is depleted, not full enough, or generally unhealthy, it will not be able to “become one” with the implant and offer support. You see, during recovery your dental implant will fuse with your jawbone (we call this “osseointegration”). If this does not occur, the implant will fail.

Fact #2: We Can Improve Jaw Health For Candidacy

Worried that your candidacy is doomed because your jawbone is damaged? Suffering from periodontal disease and concerned that an implant is no longer in your future? Rest assured, we strive to assist in improving your jaw health, so you can receive an implant. We may suggest bone grafting, a process the re-builds jaw tissue.

Fact #3: Implants Can Protect Your Jaw Health

The natural roots you once had used to stimulate your jawbone when you chewed. This process is essential in keeping your jawbone healthy. When the stimulation ceases, your jawbone may begin to deteriorate. The good news? A dental implant replaces both your roots and that key stimulation, thereby protecting your jawbone health.