Q&A: Qualifying For Dental Implants

Dental implants q&arainbowprovide patients with exceptional benefits when replacing missing teeth. The advantages truly speak for themselves: Amazing stability, the capacity to prevent your teeth from shifting, and the ability to improve your daily dental hygiene. However, while you may love everything you learn about implants, you may not know much about determining your candidacy. The best method for finding out if you qualify is scheduling a visit, so we may examine your smile and discuss your options. In the meantime, however, we suggest considering some commonly asked questions (and corresponding answers) for a better understanding of who implants suit best.

Q&A: Implant Candidacy

Question: What if I find out my jaw isn’t healthy enough to support dental implants?

Answer: Fortunately, you will not immediately become disqualified. We may recommend you go through treatment called bone grafting, which strengthens and improves the volume of your jaw, potentially improving your candidacy.

Question: What if I’m looking for something less invasive, the idea of bone grafting is just not something I’m ready for right now, or I can’t commit to a long-term recovery?

Answer: If you are still interested in dental implants, we may suggest mini dental implants. Utilizing small posts, this less invasive procedure will require one appointment for placement and restoration. You may then leave our practice with a restored smile.

Question: Are there any other limits placed on qualifying for dental implants aside from a healthy jaw?

Answer: Yes. First, we cannot offer implants to children. The youngest age is usually 18 because an implant requires a fully developed jaw for placement. In addition, smoking and tobacco use may affect your candidacy or your ability to enjoy a successful implant.